Warning: I do not want this thread to be an argument about theology. More a way to challenge each of our doctrines and beliefs. Please, if you feel you are getting frustrated, angry, etc. take a step back and ask yourself, "am I writing this in love?" Please, include scripture references for any points you make. This discussion may have some academic terms that you may not understand. If you are having any trouble understanding what someone is writing, please take the time to ask before you make a rebuttal. This discussion is the first part of hopefully many more threads I will start. Some common terms that may be used will be defined below.
Predestination: The concept that God predetermines all of everything.
Eschatology: The study of things to come.
Soteriology: The study of salvation.
Ecclesiology: The study of the church.
Theology: The study of God.
TULIP: Commonly referred to as the five points of Calvinism/Reformed Theology. (T=Total Depravity, U=Unconditional Election, L=Limited Atonement, I=Irresistible Grace, P=Perseverance of the Saints)
Calvinism: A set of beliefs set forth by reformer John Calvin and later expounded upon by theologians such as John Edwards, John Piper, etc.
Arminianism: A set of beliefs set forth by theologian Jacobus Arminius, which contradict or oppose the doctrines of Calvinism.
Cessationism: The belief that spiritual gifts no longer are present within the world today.
Non-Cessationism: The belief that spiritual gifts are present within the world today.
There will undoubtably be many more terms used in this discussion that will require definitions. As they pop up, I or others will define them.
So the discussion begins!
Soteriology, the study of salvation, is a common area of dispute within churches across the world. This debate has been a hot topic for centuries! The first portion of this discussion will delve into the most important aspect of salvation. God! It is my belief that God predetermines those who will be saved by the blood of Christ. I believe this because in my point of view it gives more glory to God. To understand this better, I look to the concept of Total Depravity. This is the concept that mankind is in total sin. Without God, nothing we do is even close to being good. Because of this, man is unable to make the decision to follow God. Thus, in order to be a believer, God must change one's heart. Because God takes someone that is so evil that he cannot even make the choice to follow God, God is making an even bigger miracle, thus glorifying Himself more. Alright. That is a very short and incomplete description of Total Depravity and Unconditional Election, but it will suffice to get the debate rolling!
Predestination: The concept that God predetermines all of everything.
Eschatology: The study of things to come.
Soteriology: The study of salvation.
Ecclesiology: The study of the church.
Theology: The study of God.
TULIP: Commonly referred to as the five points of Calvinism/Reformed Theology. (T=Total Depravity, U=Unconditional Election, L=Limited Atonement, I=Irresistible Grace, P=Perseverance of the Saints)
Calvinism: A set of beliefs set forth by reformer John Calvin and later expounded upon by theologians such as John Edwards, John Piper, etc.
Arminianism: A set of beliefs set forth by theologian Jacobus Arminius, which contradict or oppose the doctrines of Calvinism.
Cessationism: The belief that spiritual gifts no longer are present within the world today.
Non-Cessationism: The belief that spiritual gifts are present within the world today.
There will undoubtably be many more terms used in this discussion that will require definitions. As they pop up, I or others will define them.
So the discussion begins!
Soteriology, the study of salvation, is a common area of dispute within churches across the world. This debate has been a hot topic for centuries! The first portion of this discussion will delve into the most important aspect of salvation. God! It is my belief that God predetermines those who will be saved by the blood of Christ. I believe this because in my point of view it gives more glory to God. To understand this better, I look to the concept of Total Depravity. This is the concept that mankind is in total sin. Without God, nothing we do is even close to being good. Because of this, man is unable to make the decision to follow God. Thus, in order to be a believer, God must change one's heart. Because God takes someone that is so evil that he cannot even make the choice to follow God, God is making an even bigger miracle, thus glorifying Himself more. Alright. That is a very short and incomplete description of Total Depravity and Unconditional Election, but it will suffice to get the debate rolling!