Same sex attraction is a chemical attraction that takes place in the mind and in cells of the fleshly body. It is associated with the lusts of the eyes and the lust of the flesh that can begin at a very early age. It does not have to be triggered by some event but it can become distorted by an event that happens in childhood or later in life. The mind is a funny thing when it comes to identifying inward feelings and emotions associated with impulses that go on in the appetites of our fleshly mind and bodies. If we lack good sound knowledge and understanding concerning these impulses, we can be carried away and identify ourselves with them because they are happening in us. If this continues, we give them a place as part of who we are. This is where a distinction has to be made as to how we let these impulses identify who we are as a person of flesh and blood and who Christ has made us to be as a new creature through the new birth.
Satan is our adversary and is seeking whom he can devour. There is a confederated host of fallen angels and demons that are organized as an intelligent kingdom on this earth to hold people captive and in bondage to sin, to iniquity, to the flesh, to weaknesses and too all the things that are in the world through many different forms of lust. Satan wants people, who are created out of the dust of the earth, to identify with these lusts patterns that go on in the flesh of men and women that he can manipulate to make up this world system and environment in which we live.
Satan and his demonic host have had thousands of years to be very knowledgeable with wisdom and understanding about these lusts patterns and how they effect man and how man responds to these to make up his disposition in the pride of life. His wisdom is made up of that which is earthly, sensual and devilish. Earthly, as to the source of what makes up the flesh of man and all of man's creature comforts, sensual, as pertaining to the soulish animal life of man with all of his desires and appetites of the flesh and devilish, which points to that which is demonic in imaginations, thoughts and doctrine for the purpose of beguiling, seducing, deceiving and sifting people. All of this kind of wisdom is devised to devour and destroy the capacity of individuals and to blind the minds of those that live in unbelief from being able to receive the word of God, to believe it and be saved.
It is absolutely a strategy of Satan to have as many people as possible to identify with those who are troubled by these impulses, desires and appetites associated with same sex attractions. He wants their confession to be according to that identity to make it real and give it validation and justification as a normal and functional part of the life of the flesh. This strategy, at the first, causes great division in the members of the human race, but has the ultimate goal to be a functioning catalyst to unify man and to give man one voice in favour of individual rights and freedom to sexually express themselves in any way they seem fit with adult consent. This is done strategically and by force over a period of time through the diabolical influence of those who are in high places and have the power and ability to give this desired outcome and hold others that oppose it as hateful, hostile, intolerant and inhuman.
Take it from there and come to your own conclusions, I know what mine are and have much in God's word that reveal and support these conclusions. Say what you will and have your own convictions but make sure you have the mind of Christ, through the Spirit and the written word, on the matter.