Re: What to do when atheiests attack you with questions and "proof"god dosent exist e
Hello sometimes i get asked questions and most of the time there are like scientists HAVE fully proven evolution
How do you prove something to be true?
and that Darwin was a christian but conviced himself from the evidence that god doent exist
So, someone who once claimed to be a Christian, no longer claims to be a Christian but rather claims to be atheistic, on the basis of evidence.
That doesn't effect whether something is true or not.
Right now, you claim to be a living person. If you started running around, "I've examined the evidence! I'm dead! I'm dead!" Are you? No, of course not.
Same situation. What we claim to be true, isn't true by the fact that we claim it as such.
I don't believe God's existence stems from available evidences. Rather, I believe available evidences point to God's existence because he exists. Truth is true, by the necessity of it's nature (it's true because it's not false). The truth of something is not contigent (dependent) on the supposed evidence.
and how old the world is and that the bible isnt proof of existance
Well, to put it in a form of deductive logic.
1) What the bible tells us, is true.
2) The bible tells us the age of the earth is roughly 6000 years old.
3) Therefor, the earth is roughly 6000 years old.
You don't have to know the "how" of 3) (how to explain it scientifically that is) to know it's true. An example of how we do this in our daily lives as younger people, students in school would be a math text book. How many times have you put together a math equation...
You can work out a problem step by step (this is really evident in algebra for me personally) and come up with an answer. You compare it to the answers in the back of the book, and find that you're answer does not match with the answer in the book. So now you know, assuming the accuracy of the book that your answer is wrong. You don't know what is wrong in the steps, or how you went wrong, but you know it is wrong. Same situation with the age of the earth. We may not know how it is 6000 years old on the basis of science (although there are good arguments out there), but we don't have to know good scientific arguments, to know that it is 6000 years old or so, when scripture tells us it is.
, what do i say to people without getting angry ?
People will be angry if you stand up for Christ. That's something we have to realize. Humans by nature seek to minimalize conflict, even if that means putting up with things we otherwise would not (to an extent). Christians express this natural fact, when they seek to avoid conflict with non-Christians, and in doing so often attack those who do stand up for Christianity.
John 15:18
"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.
Some questions are like ive suffered all my life and was a christian and had faith etc but i was only happy when i became an athiest......
They were never a Christian.
1 John 2
18 Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.
19 They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.
What do i say to these people?
As a general rule, I wouldn't get too upset if people don't "see things your way", because everyone operates on different assumptions. The atheist assumes there is no God. The Christian assumes there is. The atheist assumes the ability to use reason in and of itself, the Christian recognizes the inability of reason to account for itself. Etc etc.
It's called a world view. It's how we interpret things in the world.
This is an excellent article.
Feedback: Should Christians Accept Evolution Because a Leading Skeptic Says They Should? - Answers in Genesis
I don't normally pay a huge amount of attention to AIG, but they get some things right.