an astounding 49 percent of all Americans live in a home that receives some form of government benefits.
First of all, you say that as if it were a bad thing. Let's discuss some of these people who are on some form of "government assistance:"
Social Security - A lot of people have some sort of pension or 401(k) where they work. Some are able to put a little aside into such an account while they were working so that they could retire comfortably. But not everyone is so lucky. Some people lost everything through risky investments, some were just never able to make enough to set something aside. Social security is barely enough to live on. If your house is completely paid off by the time you retire, it may be enough to support your groceries, and then Medicare pays for the health stuff. Without that safety net, what would happen? Well, they'd be forced to stay at their jobs longer, and would not retire, which means unemployment would continue to rise. Seems to me like providing a minimum level of support is healthy for the economy.
Military - By far the largest chunk of federal spending is here. From the five-star general down to the ROTC recruit, every member of the military is a "leech" on the government, receiving payment through federal taxes. In exchange, they give us their bravery and often their lives. Sheesh, how selfish of them.
Children - We've all heard about the lazy "welfare queen" who has babies and just doesn't want to work. Sure, I understand we don't really want to be helping people if they're not willing to help themselves. However, more than 2/3 of those who are on some sort of public assistance are under the age of 14. Cutting off welfare is LITERALLY stealing food from babies. And you wonder why we liberals say you conservatives are so heartless.
State and Local - don't forget that government doesn't just mean federal government. Your state and local government spends a lot of money as well. In fact, I think if you were to look at it objectively, you'd find that 100% of Americans have received some sort of government assistance at some point in their lives.
Did you attend a public school ever? That's government assistance.
Have you ever taken public transportation? That's government assistance.
Or perhaps you're too good for mass transit. Maybe you just drive your car on public roads and fill your tank with federally-subsidized petrol. That's government assistance.
Are you reading this on a computer that's powered by electricity -- either coal, gas, nuclear, geo-thermal, hydro, or solar (unless you designed the cells yourself and built your house yourself, and.....)? That's government assistance.
I don't understand why so many people seem to think government is bad. Yes, I agree that we don't want the government telling us what to do at every juncture. I do NOT agree that the private sector would operate any government-run program more efficiently.
In the U.S., the government is US. If you don't like it, take a look in the mirror and start there.