submission is not always the same as agreement with every tenet of faith the church leadership me for example, i attend a wesleyan it, its arminian in i am..teaches that good works are not what save you, but are a confirmation that you are saved and had genuine conversion..yet they are very much against alcohol, i do not drink much anymore..but I agree with them that drunkenness should not be what a believer partakes in..alcohol abuse has brought much heartache and evil to the world..and i can see good reasons for avoiding only disagreement persee is that it is still a requirement for church membership there, that you must abstain from alcohol, yet i understand the reasons why they do so..other churches i was attending before would simply have you take a month's worth of weekend classes if that then walllah/tada..membership.
So i can appreciate their aiming high,having a standard and expectation required of those who wish to seek membership in their body..i do not think drinking in moderation should keep you from becoming a member, but that rule will probably not change anytime soon..and if i continue to attend a local wesleyan church(which i intend to) i am willing to submit to their authority and die to self a little, forsake all drinking altogether..after all it is not about me anyways..right? Dr. Steve Deneff, a wesleyan pastor said..maybe the crown jewel is not agreeing, but submission, because i love my church, and believe in my church and the leadership and want to be a part of something bigger than me!