KJVcatowner, I can't tell how old you are, but I'm guessing you are very young. Hopefully you have seen that your posts offended some people because you said they were under a delusion etc. & you think you had Scripture verses to back you up.
Since there is nothing in the Bible that says, "Barak Obama is the end time antichrist", you cannot say Scripture says he is, & that anyone is delusioned because they don't believe you. The Scripture says, "Watch & be sober".
It's not Christian like to be rude, would Jesus be rude? Just because you see others be rude here, it doesn't make it ok.
The verse you are referring to about the antichrist being gay is that Scripture says "he has no regard for women". Yes that could mean he is gay, it could also mean that he has no regard for the life of a woman, such as some cultures like Islam, where the fathers murder their own daughters for committing fornication etc. I don't know how you drew the conclusion that it definitely means gay. We will see.
Yes I have seen newspapers & interviews from people & a book is also written about 2 men who claimed to be Obama's lovers.One of which was murdered,( the Chicago choir director from his church).I have no way of knowing if this is true, these people could be lying.
The antichrist is also the leader of a one world government, so Obama is just a president. Until he meets ALL of the verses in Scripture appointed to the antichrist, you should not be saying he IS the antichrist. I'm 58 & have heard people saying this all my life about many different men, none of which were ever accused of being gay. This constant "he is the antichrist" for many years, causes people to dismiss the accusation as crazy, be cause they have heard it all their life. In that respect, when the antichrist comes along, & all the verses describe him, many Christians & non Christians won't believe it because they heard it predicted wrong so many times before.Yes I saw people all over the world cheering when he won the 1st election, even tho Hillary won the primary, so he did fulfill another verse when he got in by other means.
Obama does fit more verses than any one else in my lifetime, so maybe he could BECOME the antichrist, it's possible, but no one can say he is now, because all the prophecies of the antichrist do not fit Obama now, or any other man on earth.
You are instructed by the Bible to "watch & be sober", so you will recognize the last antichrist & be able to alert others.