WOW! This is another scary example of what the church is producing today, false Christians, calling themselves Christian, while still defiled in their hearts, folks, listen up! Churches that produce converts like those you mentioned were never converted, they are still IN sin, and need to do their first works and repent, and I sure hope no one thinks this is the real church Christ built with His precious blood!
In flaming fire!
2Th 1:8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God and who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ…………
The main problem I am seeing in modern Christianity today is a poor understanding of who God is, and what He is asking mankind to do to be reconciled back to Him. Many, who profess to be saved, do not know God, and those who profess to be atheist, just deny reality. Both positions are a very dangerous place to be in, as stated in 2 Tim 1-8.
I was taught for most of my lukewarm Christian life, that God is more concerned with your ability to just believe He exists, and that He sent His son Jesus to be a substitutional sacrifice and overcomer for all those who were born depraved and unable to truly repent, and seek His mercy, then follow Him in an obedient faith, brought forth by a love, fear, and respect of a God who commands and demands ALL mankind to depart from iniquity and repent(not confess and believe) But stop sinning, for example, stop fornication, stop adultery, stop drunkenness, lying, cheating, stealing, and also put away the love of the world, and all its vain attractions!
Now for those who follow another gospel that promises them liberty, while actually telling them they are eternally saved and going to heaven because they said the sinners prayer (sorrow of the world) and then trust all is done, all sin is pre forgiven, and repentance is more of an apology or confession you are a sinner and cannot stop your vile sins this side if heaven, woe to you!
To know and obey God should be the number one concern of the church today, not “trust” in something that never happened, i.e., penal substitution, OSAS, or any false gospel that would declare you righteous while you are still defiled or unrighteous, telling you are depraved and a sinning saint till the day you die!
Those who know God and obey as commanded, will clearly see the huge difference between the saved in sin cloaked message being sold today, and the free, simple message Jesus and the profits brought to the lost sinning masses thousands of years ago.
Which was, man has free will and ability to choose to obey or not, repentance towards God and faith towards Jesus Christ was preached far and wide as the only means to be reconciled to God and enter the kingdom.
This repentance and faith meant the vile rebellion stopped before mercy would even be considered, please read Jonah Ch 3, and the Prodigal son, who stopped his rebellion BEFORE his father would forgive him and accept back.
I wrote this short message in an attempt to show the reader and seeker of truth the huge difference between what is taught as truth today, which is another gospel and another Christ, and the true gospel according to obedience, repentance, godliness, and purity that can only come from a crucified soul, broken through a crisis of conviction, followed by real repentance and godly sorrow, assuming nothing from God, except hoping He relents and grants you mercy and pardon.
This is not an attempt to explain in detail the problems with the church today, along with all the leaven added into the pure word for the last 500 years or so. This has been covered before in great detail, for those who are willing to dig deep, and count the cost, come out of the church system and world, and seek the pearl of great price, that is free and available and calling all those in bondage to freedom and purity that can only come when you seek to know God and obey His commands!
Isa 55:6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
Isa 55:7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.