Messiah = "Anointed One, the ruler (king) who was to come."
Christ = "Anointed One, the ruler (king) who was to come."
Messiah/Christ is about ruling and reigning (as king) in his kingdom.
"Messiah" is used only twice in the OT, in two consecutive verses of the book of Daniel.
"Christ" is used about 300 times in the NT to refer to the "Anointed One, the ruler (king) who was to come," as having come in Jesus of Nazareth.
According to the prophet Daniel (Da 2:31-45), the Messiah/Christ, "Anointed One, the ruler (king) who was to come,"
set up his kingdom during the Roman empire, at his first coming. And according to the Messiah ruler/king at that time,
it was not an earthly kingdom of this world (Jn 18:36), but invisible (Lk 17:20), set up within the hearts of men (Lk 17:21).
It is in their hearts that he rules and is king of those who believe in him, which hearts are his kingdom.
Since, according to the prophet Daniel, this temporal kingdom set up at his first coming endures forever (Da 2:44),
that would mean there will be no second temporal kingdom (nor do the NT Jewish writers anywhere mention such in the clear, specific revelation of the NT ).
KEY: While the Jews believed the Messiah would come exclusivly to them, we learn in Paul's letter to Ephesian Gentiles that before the foundations of the world (Eph 1:4) the Gentiles, to whom his letter is addressed, were made people of God.
Even before the beginning of time, the Messiah ruler/king was to rule and reign in the hearts (his kingdom--Lk 17:21) of those who believe in him, both Jews and Gentiles, his one people in Christ (Eph 2:15).
This spiritual kingdom (Lk 17:21) in the hearts of both Jews and Gentiles, God's one people (Eph 2:15) is that most valuable (segullah) treasure (Ex 19:5; Dt 7:6; Mal 3:17) closest to God's heart (Zep 3:17), and his personal inheritance (Dt 9:29, 32:9; 1Kgs 8:51, 53; Ps 28:9, 33:12; Eph 1:18), which gives him more glory than any physical earthly kingdom ever could.
This is the Messianic kingdom. . .in the hearts (Lk 17:21) of Jews and Gentiles now, his one people, which he ransomed/purchased back from the justice of God (Mt 20:28; 1Co 6:20; 1Tim 2:6; 1Pe 1:18-19), in order that he would have a kingdom, in the hearts (Lk 17:21) of his one people now.
This is the Messianic kingdom (Lk 17:21) of which he is the Messiah ruler/king now.
A future physical earthly kingdom would be anti-climatic (and which Jewish NT writers nowhere mention in the clear, certain word of God).
The "next" kingdom would be this everlasting Messianic kingdom (Da 2:44), in the hearts (Lk 17:21) of his one people,
being moved at his second coming into eternity--the new heavens and new earth, the home of righteousness (2Pe 3:13), where there is no death (Rev 21:1-4).
In the next everlasting Messianic kingdom we will see fulfilled all the symbolic and glorious unfulfilled prophecies regarding the eternal state of this now-temporal Messianic kingdom, in the hearts (Lk 17:21) of his one people, which is the one kingdom of the Messiah ruler/king.
So again, we see the marvelous unity of God's divine plan in Jesus Christ, to unite Jews and Gentiles (Eph 2:15) into one people of God, in the one Messianic kingdom (Lk 17:21) of both time and eternity, in and under his one Christ ruler/king.
God is about uniting his one people in Christ, not about dividing into two people, two kingdoms, two revelations, two futures.