I believe there is only one time when we will see mandatory chip placement, and that is with the one world government. This chip can't be the same as the 'mark of the beast' as the chips in question will be for Americans and medical use only.
The European Union is the 10 kingdoms of Rome, controlled by the Pope (the Treaty of Rome/establishing of EU). Remember also - the Roman Empire were the ones that wanted a one world government all along - they wanted political, religious and monetary authority over the people to achieve ultimate power in this world. They succeeded back then, as they were the government, they set up their Roman religion and people used their Roman money. So this was what they wanted... and this is what they still want in the world today.
The Jesuits are the ones that are behind the Catholic Church. They pull the strings and protect the interests of that church. Did you know that a lot of members in the whitehouse are Jesuits? This is fact. VP Joe Biden is a Jesuit. Many claim he is really the president and that Obama is a figure head but that would be leaning more towards conspiracy theory as there's no proof of that. Still, doesn't change the fact that he is a Jesuit. Jesuits do not dress like priests (many are not - they are military for the Vatican), your neigbour could be one and you might never know. They protect the interests of the Vatican and are sworn in with an oath to protect from all "heretics" (that would be us unfortunately).
If you think about it, this chipping would be a great test for the US government to figure out who the real Christians are (since many will fear accepting this chip). They would quickly be able to establish who will be a threat to them in the future, so they can figure out who the protesters might be before it even happens. The worrying thing is they are trying to pass a bill that allows them to put anyone in prison that they deem a terrorist, where the person never has the ability to defend themselves in a court, but they are automatically labeled a terrorist without trial. Is it possible that Christians could be arrested for future 'crimes' that we have not committed (in other words, "we know you will be protesting x,y,z so you are considered a terrorist"). I guess us Christians would be considered terrorists because we are against the evil powers of darkness. We won't go along with them.
Anyway, this mark will be worldwide not just in the US, so when the one world government has been established. Isn't the mark going to happen later on in Revelations? I need to have a read...
By the way, they do have patents for "skin marking" already --> http://appft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=/netahtml/PTO/search-bool.html&r=0&f=S&l=50&TERM1=20030195523&FIELD1=&co1=AND&TERM2=&FIELD2=&d=PG01
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