So, I'm just doing a random interesting poll, about what people use to shave. As of lately, I've been getting to old-fashioned ways of shaving. When I was 13, I started shaving and I immediately went to the "latest and greatest", the Gillette Fusion 5 Blade Razor, which my parents did NOT like, because that meant $20 per cartridge set... I always felt "unsatisfied" with shaving, I tried the Schick Hydro, Electric Shavers, then I moved down to the Mach 3, and surprisingly, it felt better than the Fusion! Then I was looking into the Dollar Shave Club, because I was fed up with paying through the nose... then I read reviews, and people were saying, "The Dollar Shave Club wasn't high quality in their products. If you want real quality, go with a safety razor!" I had never really heard of Safety Razors, so I started to look into it. Safety Razors are razors that only used one, double sided, blade. They are what the older generations used after Straight Razors, because they were "safer" (hence the name), and are actually higher quality, and require a little more skill. I switched to a Safety Razor and Brush/Soap about a month ago and I love it!
Some benefits I've found:
-I get a smoother shave from the safety razor than any other razor. People noticed I had a smoother shave!
-Less irritation on my face and neck. Once you get past the learning curve, you'll feel less irritation, and have more comfort.
-MUCH cheaper. I bought a cheapo safety razor from Sally Beauty supply for $11, then I bought 10 blades for $2.50. Granted, the blades do not last as long, but you get more bang for your buck, you can get 100 blades for $10 on Amazon!
-You get more variety. With modern razors, you are limited to one blade set per razor... With a Double Edged Safety Razor, you can try different blades, find which one that suits you best.
-You get the satisfaction of shaving with a piece of history. Safety Razors were what were used by many icons in 20th century history, and maybe even late 19th. You can even find good quality vintage razors that are legitimately good quality for cheap!
My next step for me, is I'm getting a straight razor. I bought a good beginner bundle for $50 and I will get it in the next week or so. I'll likely try that for a while, see if I like it, and share my comments on it
So I want to hear what your guys (and girls, if you want) opinion is on shaving, on the posts and the poll
Some benefits I've found:
-I get a smoother shave from the safety razor than any other razor. People noticed I had a smoother shave!
-Less irritation on my face and neck. Once you get past the learning curve, you'll feel less irritation, and have more comfort.
-MUCH cheaper. I bought a cheapo safety razor from Sally Beauty supply for $11, then I bought 10 blades for $2.50. Granted, the blades do not last as long, but you get more bang for your buck, you can get 100 blades for $10 on Amazon!
-You get more variety. With modern razors, you are limited to one blade set per razor... With a Double Edged Safety Razor, you can try different blades, find which one that suits you best.
-You get the satisfaction of shaving with a piece of history. Safety Razors were what were used by many icons in 20th century history, and maybe even late 19th. You can even find good quality vintage razors that are legitimately good quality for cheap!
My next step for me, is I'm getting a straight razor. I bought a good beginner bundle for $50 and I will get it in the next week or so. I'll likely try that for a while, see if I like it, and share my comments on it
So I want to hear what your guys (and girls, if you want) opinion is on shaving, on the posts and the poll
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