What kind of paint do you use to remain flexible? It can be very expensive. I like the old fashioned French dye. I spent about $100 for just the primaries, and then they have to be steamed after carefully wrapping in paper for 2 hours at 260 degrees. The steamer costs $500, so I built one.
Now you can get cheaper dyes that don't require steaming. My daughter built a frame to tack the silk to that held it away from the table. It is complicated and oh, so much fun. I would get from $60 to $80 a scarf. But to get the glow to the dye, it needs the old French dye.
I use French dye. It is hard to use but so brilliant. Requires gutta to outline where you want color to stop from spreading then set dye by steaming at a certain degree for 2 hours. Must suspend silk in a special frame.
It is complicated, and that what makes it so challenging and rewarding to do.