

I am enamored with the efforts people put into rescuing and rehabilitating abused and neglected animals, dogs especially. It is amazing how well such beautiful creatures recover their trust, gentleness, joy, and playfulness when they are shown love and care :) Humans don't always seem to do so well in comparison :(

I am enamored with the efforts people put into rescuing and rehabilitating abused and neglected animals, dogs especially. It is amazing how well such beautiful creatures recover their trust, gentleness, joy, and playfulness when they are shown love and care :) Humans don't always seem to do so well in comparison :(

Amen to that one Magenta. Sometimes it feels like animals are better than humans, because they don't carry ego and pretense in the same way.

It's harder to rehabilitate a person.
Amen to that one Magenta. Sometimes it feels like animals are better than humans, because they don't carry ego and pretense in the same way.

It's harder to rehabilitate a person.
i dunno about that, i've got some cats with pretty big egos..


they also have certain fuzzy little pretenses

I seriously don't think Yeshua would wear a "suit". I think He'd be in T-shirt and jeans. lol Great message though.

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