Recent content by 5pacejunk

  1. 5pacejunk


    Thank you. I HAVE been hurt. Reading the replies here (and also where i posted something similar on Reddit) has been heartbreaking. I'm disappointed that I've been insulted (again), basically told that I'm spreading lies or evil (again), all because I posed (what I believe to be) valid...
  2. 5pacejunk


    Me? I like Tolstoy and Tolkein's take on politics.
  3. 5pacejunk


    Point #1, yes I do mean the transgender issue. For one thing, most of the stuff about protecting young women has already been debunked by experts.Most of the people saying this stuff know they're lying, they just think we're too stupid to know they're lying. It's stupid culture war nonsense...
  4. 5pacejunk


    Serious question here. Really not TRYING to antagonize, but... if you have such faith in God, then... why are you all so afraid? Like... of everything. Afraid of people using bathrooms, afraid of books, afraid of music or video games or movies... afraid of people having freedom and being able...
  5. 5pacejunk

    memento et mori

    memento et mori
  6. 5pacejunk

    I'm "new" here.

    I'm still looking to make connections. I wish there was a chat room like the old AOL or YAHOO! ones.
  7. 5pacejunk

    Give me bad advice...

    Came here for the LOLs and was not disappointed.
  8. 5pacejunk

    What are your relationship dealbreakers?

    I've been single for so long that nearly everything is a deal-breaker now lol... wait! You like broccoli? It's over! Oh, your favorite color is yellow? I don't think this is working out lol but no seriously, singlehood suits me more these days
  9. 5pacejunk

    New here and struggling...

    I'm new here, too, and I'm down to make some new friends.
  10. 5pacejunk

    I'm "new" here.

    haha i certainly hope so
  11. 5pacejunk

    Favorite music recommendations??

    If you're interested in something softer, "the Jesus record" by Rich Mullins is pretty great. It's a double-album, with the first disc being demos recorded on a boombox in an abandoned church. It is positively haunting. Arguably the most beautiful recordings I have ever heard. The second disc is...
  12. 5pacejunk

    Mental health support website?

    I was just mentioning the national suicide hotline (dial: 988). I think these kinds of things are great resources, and there really is no reason not to take advantage of each and every tool available. We're all human, and we've all been to the edge from time to time.
  13. 5pacejunk

    Are There any Linux Users on This Site?

    I use Linux! LOL I prefer it to Windows or Mac OS.
  14. 5pacejunk

    I'm "new" here.

    As the title suggests, I'm "new" here. I signed up before (though I can't really remember) and then forgot, apparently. But anyway, I'm kind of in a place right now, trying to figure out what I believe and if there is even a point to anything. I don't mean to be a bummer, but this is just where...
  15. 5pacejunk

    Please pray I'm feeling like ending it

    There is a national suicide hotline (dial: 988) which would probably be a good resource to make use of. These people are experts, and experts know a thing or two about a thing or two. I'm there, myself. I struggle to find a reason to keep going, especially now that I'm older, and after all the...