Reactions received by Abigail97

  • HopeinHim98
    HopeinHim98 reacted Like to Abigail97's post in the thread The Boaz's Virtues.
    Yes dear... These are some of the qualities that should be present in his life...
  • HopeinHim98
    HopeinHim98 reacted Winner to Abigail97's post in the thread ASKING WHEN?.
    She was one of those sitting in the first three rows, making the view of the bride and groom clearer to her. She watched the whole...
  • K
    Karlon reacted Agree to Abigail97's post in the thread ASKING WHEN?.
    She was one of those sitting in the first three rows, making the view of the bride and groom clearer to her. She watched the whole...
  • MsMediator
    MsMediator reacted Friendly to Abigail97's post in the thread ASKING WHEN?.
    She was one of those sitting in the first three rows, making the view of the bride and groom clearer to her. She watched the whole...
  • HopeinHim98
    HopeinHim98 reacted Friendly to Abigail97's post in the thread DEAR YOU....
    Dear You, I know you're an adult, and a mature one at that, and there's also the need to prepare for your future in the...
  • HopeinHim98
    HopeinHim98 reacted Friendly to Abigail97's post in the thread LOVE CALLS....
    Love so divine... Love encompassing... Love as strong as death, is the love of Christ for us. Whatever might have happened, or is still...
  • Ahava
    Ahava reacted Friendly to Abigail97's post in the thread The Boaz's Virtues.
    Boaz was a kinsman of Naomi's husband Elimelech; he was a member of the family of Elimelech. He was a godly man with godly virtues...
  • Talljake
    Talljake reacted Friendly to Abigail97's post in the thread Only Him.
    The dainties are not enough, the cities as well... The 'mansions?' you ask... They just wouldn't do The money? It's much needed, but...
  • HopeinHim98
    HopeinHim98 reacted Friendly to Abigail97's post in the thread Only Him.
    The dainties are not enough, the cities as well... The 'mansions?' you ask... They just wouldn't do The money? It's much needed, but...
  • KPG2000
    KPG2000 reacted Like to Abigail97's comment on KPG2000's profile post
    Hello... Uhm... No it wasn't... A friend of mine also asked me the same question this month or last I'm not sure again, but it was...
  • KPG2000
    KPG2000 reacted Like to Abigail97's comment on KPG2000's profile post
    Further as in beyond February, but in this same year...
  • HopeinHim98
    HopeinHim98 reacted Friendly to Abigail97's comment on KPG2000's profile post
    Hello... Uhm... No it wasn't... A friend of mine also asked me the same question this month or last I'm not sure again, but it was...
  • HopeinHim98
    HopeinHim98 reacted Friendly to Abigail97's comment on KPG2000's profile post
    Further as in beyond February, but in this same year...
  • Seeker47
    Seeker47 reacted Winner to Abigail97's post in the thread Only Him.
    The dainties are not enough, the cities as well... The 'mansions?' you ask... They just wouldn't do The money? It's much needed, but...
  • ebdesroches
    ebdesroches reacted Winner to Abigail97's post in the thread Only Him.
    The dainties are not enough, the cities as well... The 'mansions?' you ask... They just wouldn't do The money? It's much needed, but...
  • HopeinHim98
    She stood under the shed after being seriously drenched by the rain, shivering and waiting for the rain to stop, she placed both palms...
  • KPG2000
    KPG2000 reacted Friendly to Abigail97's comment on KPG2000's profile post
    Thank you 🙂 KPG2000? Thanks for engaging...
  • selahsays
    selahsays reacted Friendly to Abigail97's post in the thread Blessed New Month!.
    The path ahead of us would come with the needed clarity and the blessedness filled in it when we let God hold our hand and walk us into...
  • Pemican
    Pemican reacted Like to Abigail97's post in the thread Blessed New Month!.
    The path ahead of us would come with the needed clarity and the blessedness filled in it when we let God hold our hand and walk us into...