Recent content by Adaora

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    Como estas

    Hello everyone. It's been a really long while. How are y'all doing? Exciting day unfolding, I guess? Mine was exhausting!
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    Sleep calls.

    Good night everyone and God bless.
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    Something Random

    Hey everyone. How are you all doing today? I had a great day. Did you?
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    HEY GUYS!!!

    Hello Everyone, I'm not sure if this is like the appropriate group to pose this question to. I'm a Christian, yeah. But why do I feel if it's not the Anglican church, it's nothing. I've been away from home for a while now for academic reasons. so i live with my cousin who attends a pentecostal...
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    Newbie HERE.

    I'm really looking forward to benefitting from this forum. God bless!
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    Hullo, I'm new on here.