Recent content by Aenon

  1. Aenon

    God’s Word is Necessary

    Most of us, deep down, want the same things out of life. Of course, I’m talking about ultimate things, not immediate things. On the immediate level, people have a wide variety of desires. Some people like to travel. Some people like fine dining. Some people prefer indoor plumbing and a...
  2. Aenon

    Do you believe you’ve experienced a “quarter-life crisis” in your 20's or 30's?

    I got this question in a survey.. Here's the question Do you believe you’ve experienced what psychologists would call a “quarter-life crisis” in your twenties or thirties? This is the feeling that you aren’t satisfied with where you are in your life and time is running out. This can cause...
  3. Aenon

    My God is ... (Complete the sentence)

    Tell your experience of who God is in your life.. Example: My God is A miracle working God