Reactions received by Aidan1

  • Mission21
    Mission21 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Shittim, nobody claimed that the mask can protect you from any virus. But it reduces the risk, combined with 1,5m distance. Btw. Who...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    If you have it, then be glad. And I agree with you. Reality shows that many many people had no natural immunity. Till today around...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Meanwhile i got the booster. Yes, everybody should have the right to make their own decision, but it comes to an conflict when i bring...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Thats the point, he never could Show from the scripture.
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Well Nehemia6 missed to look Films like outbreak or contagious. Otherwise he would understand the reason of the mask.
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Correct, prevent droplets from contacting the sterile surgical field. Makes it click?
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    No, i dont love to mock and I do not. You are not able to show, thats the point.
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Then show me my post where I mock to you. If you claime such things, you should proof it!
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I am not angry. I am shocked about such ignorant attitude to people who have no natural immunity against Covid. And this from people...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    You can call me what you want. But if you call me hypocrite and troll, then you should be able to tell me the posts i was hypocrite. My...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Shittim, nobody claimed that the mask can protect you from any virus. But it reduces the risk, combined with 1,5m distance. Btw. Who...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I dont have anything to do with Fauci.
  • notmyown
    notmyown reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Yes, thats me. I would realy like to help you! How you found out?
  • reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    What makes you so shure that you are right? How can you claime that all the others not seeking truth via the indwelling Holy Spirit...
  • seed_time_harvest
    seed_time_harvest reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    What makes you so shure that you are right? How can you claime that all the others not seeking truth via the indwelling Holy Spirit...
  • reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Yep, last November I could not enter CC after forget the PW. Trying to get a new one failed. So I startet with a new name. My former...
  • reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Anyhow I could not got any connection to cc. I should give the name of the present president, but it did not work. Maby not so good...
  • J
    John146 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Yep, last November I could not enter CC after forget the PW. Trying to get a new one failed. So I startet with a new name. My former...
  • PennEd
    PennEd reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Yep, last November I could not enter CC after forget the PW. Trying to get a new one failed. So I startet with a new name. My former...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    In germany, we are not depend on what others teach. But since that is an international problem. Is is wise to see what expieriences...