Recent content by -Aldebaran-

  1. -Aldebaran-

    If Dem elections are rigged Republicans can kiss their butts goodbye

    One thing that didn't help in the Fetterman/Oz race was the fact that 60% of voters had already voted early before the debate took place. That's one reason democrats like early voting. They get the votes in for themselves before any final "surprises" happen.
  2. -Aldebaran-


    Not to be argumentative here, but biden did use the words, "Every inch" multiple times as if he meant it as ironclad. It seem far more so than just before the Russia/Ukraine invasion when he seemed to excuse a "minor incursion" of Ukraine, after which Russia began with just that. As for the...
  3. -Aldebaran-


    He's busy making himself look weak while in China.
  4. -Aldebaran-


    Biden renewed these commitments again in September when he addressed Russian President Vladimir Putin from the White House and said, "We’re fully prepared to defend…our NATO allies. To defend every single inch of NATO territory — every single inch. "So, Mr. Putin, don’t misunderstand what I’m...
  5. -Aldebaran-

    Talk vs. Action

    Well, not exactly. He said to take up your cross and follow Him. Matthew 16:24
  6. -Aldebaran-

    Woke-ism has now made its way into science

    Oh my! The big surprise is that the "Miss" is still being used. Too gender specific. Too exclusive of "non binaries". Given 'em time. They'll change that too.
  7. -Aldebaran-

    Buying and Selling in NYC. Just the beginning.

    Food would still be needed unless you can manage to stock up for an entire family to last for 7 years, plus bills need to be paid. Even if you had your own power generation source, things break and need replacement to keep it running.
  8. -Aldebaran-

    Just getting started here

    Hi everyone! My first post and just getting started out looking for a place to have some nice conversations.