Reactions received by alistaircook

  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to alistaircook's post in the thread Hi all.
    I'm looking for fellowship and daily encouragement with brothers and sisters in Christ; I had recently been struggling with temptations...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to alistaircook's post in the thread Hi all.
    Thank you for all the replies, and the complement . I'll be sure to check out the bible discussion forum :D
  • Godsmile
    Godsmile reacted Happy to alistaircook's post in the thread Daily Exhortation.
    Now that was long. Don't think length makes the point better; if you only have a sentence to post, I would think that just as wonderful.
  • Godsmile
    Godsmile reacted Happy to alistaircook's post in the thread Daily Exhortation.
    These are some thoughts I've had over the past couple weeks. Zachariah 3: 1 Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before...