Recent content by Amary77

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    Something has to give

    Hey Gemmy, please let us know if you’re doing alright now, you are in my prayers. I know what this feels like and I am getting closer to that point right now too, know that you are not alone in this and know that where you are right now is not the way that it’s going to be forever. There’s...
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    I go through social anxiety

    Please pray for me that I may be able to work up the courage to go towards people instead of running away from them. That I would be able to open up and risk being myself around them. That I would challenge myself to talk with people despite how petrified I feel. That I wouldn’t beat myself up...
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    Coming out as Christian to friends (Seeking advice)

    Since you said that these are your friends, that must mean that they like you as a person. If you were to tell them that you’re Christian, they may not like that part of you but do you think that they might still continue to be your friend for the person that you are? Do you think it would...
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    Anybody there?

    Hey everybody, my name is Andrea and I’m new to this Christian chat site :) I go through quite a bit of social anxiety so I was hoping to use this as a way to get better at talking to people