Recent content by Amber_Evans

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    Unmask yourselves!

    A picture of my mom & I from a trip to New Hampshire we took 3 years ago. As some of you know by reading my intro on the 'introduce yourself' thread, she passed on Easter Sunday of this year. I miss her. But I will always cherish memories like this <3 Just being cool in this one lol
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    "Beauty Of The Cross" by Jeff Johnson

    I am surprised at how not many people know who this guy is. He is one of my favorites.
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    The Babylon Bee

    Just wondering how many of you enjoy reading the Christian satire news articles from The Babylon Bee, a cleaner version of The Onion. So funny! If you haven't heard of it and are interested, here is one of their latest articles: New Bible Interpretation Goggles Now Available
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    Favorite Christian Podcasts

    Just wondering what are your favorite Christian podcasts/preachers/programs you listen to online. Mine are: Renewing Your Mind (Ligonier/R.C. Sproul) Stand To Reason (Greg Koukl) #STRask with Greg Koukl White Horse Inn Apologia Radio Sheologians The Bible Study Hour (James Boice) The Dividing...
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    "Nothing That My Hands Can Do" by Sovereign Grace Music
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    "Lead Me To The Rock (Psalm 61:1-2)" by Angela Cruz

    Angela Cruz was on Beth Moore's worship team along with Travis Cottrell. She went home to be with the Lord November 2016 but her voice is so powerful and was a blessing. I'm not a fan of Beth Moore's teaching but I love the singers in the worship team. Travis is one of my favorites...
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    Hello everyone! My name is Amber, nearly 30 years old from Michigan, United States. I have been a Christian for about 8 years. Grew up in a neutral family as far as religion goes; wasn't forced one way or another, to believe or not believe. I was struggling with bitterness towards someone in my...