Reactions given by ANDIAMO

    ANDIAMO reacted Friendly to Tall_Timbers's post in the thread New.
    Are you aware of any problems that led to the shut down? I was completely unaware and spent a lot of time on the Board everyday...
    ANDIAMO reacted Friendly to Fillan's post in the thread New.
    @ANDIAMO thrilled to see you here! Welcome. (y)
    ANDIAMO reacted Friendly to Magenta's post in the thread New.
    Thank you so much for such a thorough reply... no need to apologize! I appreciate knowing so much about not just your former site, but...
    ANDIAMO reacted Friendly to Magenta's post in the thread New.
    The first forum/chat site I participated in as a Christian was myspace, and it also went bye-bye, but we had plenty of warning, as the...
    ANDIAMO reacted Friendly to Magenta's post in the thread New.
    You were not rude! .:) You Are Welcome! God Bless You Eschatology is one area where I don't really venture... .:). But I can certainly...
    ANDIAMO reacted Friendly to oyster67's post in the thread New.
    We are so sorry that you all had to relocate, but we are filled with joy overflowing to meet all our new brothers and sisters in Christ! :D
    ANDIAMO reacted Friendly to oyster67's post in the thread New.
    That's a great idea. I will do so. Thanks for reminding me to pray. (y)
    ANDIAMO reacted Friendly to Magenta's post in the thread New.
    Thank you! I earned a lot while I was at myspace, and had a lot of fun, too; it was very challenging, as I had never been in an...
    ANDIAMO reacted Friendly to Magenta's post in the thread New.
    I only have this one, but am always on the lookout for verses that will inspire the next panel .:D John 15:9-14 Oh! I found this one...
    ANDIAMO reacted Friendly to MissyM's post in the thread New.
    Forgive me @3Nails4Given for jumping in your posts. So glad to see *old friends* on this site. Thank you folks at CC for making us feel...
    ANDIAMO reacted Friendly to oyster67's post in the thread New.
    It's not gone, dear friend. I and many others are pre-trib. Many express weird ideas about many things, but this just provides a dark...