Reactions received by ANDIAMO

  • pixelpusher
    pixelpusher reacted Like to ANDIAMO's post in the thread New.
    Thanks so much!
  • pixelpusher
    pixelpusher reacted Like to ANDIAMO's post in the thread New.
    Yes - Miss you already Andy! It's not the same without you. Maybe on the searchable thread, it would help to shout out the screen names...
  • mphsmom
    mphsmom reacted Like to ANDIAMO's post in the thread New.
    Got to thinking last night. I have realized that the reason why the community at Rapture Forums is as close knit as it is, is so much...
  • Tall_Timbers
    Tall_Timbers reacted Like to ANDIAMO's post in the thread New.
    Thanks so much!
  • Tall_Timbers
    Tall_Timbers reacted Like to ANDIAMO's post in the thread New.
    Yes - Miss you already Andy! It's not the same without you. Maybe on the searchable thread, it would help to shout out the screen names...