Reactions given by Angela53510

  • Angela53510
    This is a ludicrous and baloney post. All those verses speak of the second coming, not some secret second coming Pre-tribs make up...
  • Angela53510
    I'm sorry you are so bound up in this thing that you elevate it to the level of scripture. Pretribulation rapture is not scripture. You...
  • Angela53510
    I do not practice responses to non sequiturs. Nice try though.
  • Angela53510
    the penalty of sin is death The gift of God is eternal life The gift of God can ONLY be recieved in this lifetime. Once this lifetime...
  • Angela53510
    sin is not an eternal punishment rejection of Christ is You seem to be confused. Or at the least your confused us. I think Like...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    So saying things that make absolutely no sense at all. And spreading a conspiracy theory is encouraging? You need to get out in the...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to Gideon300's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    You are simply restating what has already proven to be false. Invermectin is demonstrably useless. I would not be surprised if...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    there you go again. Who wears face diapers? come on man, how can we take you seriously when you make silly comments like this?
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    you know what. When this happens. I feel real sorry for people that think this has anything to do with it. Because you will be lost as...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    lol. My whole office went through this covid stuff. four got seriously ill. One had hardly any symptoms, and myself had minimal symptoms...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to notmyown's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    again, i thank you! i'm Reformed. we don't ignore nor discount the work of the Third Person of the Holy Trinity. i wouldn't even be...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    thats awesome. And I would hope more people do this I just again warn that even he may not be ab;e to help everyone My step daughters...
  • Angela53510
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Brother you are being lied too The vaccine helped me. While I did get the virus, I did not get the symptoms. The only reason I got...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    When one looks at the word about the mark, and then looks at this vaccine. There are no resemblances period. its all a scare tactic...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Covid is not a common cold You don;t lose smell and taste from a common cold You dont have blood clots and heart attacks and strokes...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    You right, people do die everyday. They die in auto accidents, they die of cancer, they die of heart attacks and strokes. They get...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    this is not true They not only wear masks, bt they wear steril gloves and gowns. So they do not introduce anything to the patient which...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    the reason I have to wear a mask now is because the unvaccinated complained it was not fair. Sorry bro. Your conspiracy theories and...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Dude I am going to have to place you on ignore you have no respect for people. A man died and all you want to us spread your lie about...