Reactions given by Angela53510

  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to gb9's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    because you assume the gov. is your friend , and does good things. i do not see how any Bible believing Christian can read " can't by...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to Grandpa's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Either way is a faith decision. If you have faith in the goodness of men and the honesty of men and the overall good will of govt...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to Rockson's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    OK....and I've actually thought about that. If some really and truly do have a mental state that it would harm them....then to force a...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    well you tell us you are constantly telling us all that we are wrong and the vaccination that does not protect past 7 months for many...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to Lucy-Pevensie's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Aiden, you must be the busiest man in Europe. Constantly analysing all those test results & batches of vaccine.
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    oh please. go find it. he said it more than once and I'm not looking through almost a hundred pages to find it you should have been a...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    you are childish did you miss your 12 0'clock feeding?
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to PennEd's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    This has been your MO for a very long time. EVERYTHING you just said actually applies to you. You somehow think if you say it, it will...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to PennEd's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Just a coincidence. If you think otherwise you’re a “conspiracy theorist’”. They’re not laughing in the lemmings faces at all!
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to Lucy-Pevensie's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. I can't force you not to trust the wolf in sheep's clothing. You'll have...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to DavidTree's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    You will wait a long time. Allow me to encourage you to refresh yourself in His Word.
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to Grandpa's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    If the virus is airborne then paper and cloth masks aren't going to stop it. If the virus is not airborne then there is no reason for...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to John146's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    It's been given to millions of people for many years.
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to shittim's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    So sad to see people who claim to be Christian spreading fear and using silly face diapers. A chain link fence can't keep mosquitos...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to shittim's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I see a link of this being the Great End Time Deception we were warned of and how Jesus said He would separate His sheep from the...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to John146's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Remdesivir is a Fauci sponsored drug that is responsible for the death of many thousands.
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to rayzor's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Science like many other things is treated as if it where a god.And that's the point partial truth will fail us.
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to shittim's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Are you a part of His true church? Do you heal, raise, cleanse, preach as He commanded those who are His? I hope so, the other side...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to shittim's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Your post seems to be like what you ascribe to me... Are you self- righteous? Did you communicate your concerns to me before claiming to...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Dislike to Grandpa's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    How could getting the vaccine protect you and your neighbor when you can still contract and SPREAD covid? On top of that, if you don't...