
I came to full conversion through brokeness and confessed my sins in 1983 from there I grew very quickly was taken from the milk of the word to the meat of the word and became spiritually wiser God chose to show me mysteries that Know one knew and how tor reveal the truth of those mysteries through the clues God gave through his word and revealed them to me concerning events that would transpire. now I am literally watching them be fulfilled right before my very eyes through the world media I watch putin and other events. God shows me how its going to be fullfilled behind the scenes. he showed and proved to me who the antichrist was back in about 2010. God proves his word through all the clues he gave us and cannot be disputed. My name used to be Annette now its Annabella.
Dec 11, 1960 (Age: 64)
Marital Status
not married
Spiritual Status
When saved
Country Flag/Nationality
United States of America
Country (Location)
United States
Idaho [USA]
Favorite Bible Verse
cant think of just one but i do like psalm 91


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