Reactions received by Anni

  • notmyown
    notmyown reacted Friendly to Anni's post in the thread Anni's poems.
    Spaced-out Dream As I watched within a dream I gazed in awe and wonder The indigo hue of approaching dawn, The sky and I seemed all...
  • notmyown
    notmyown reacted Friendly to Anni's post in the thread Anni's poems.
    Thanks. It's a beautiful gift the Lord's given me & it's a pleasure to share. It bears fruit & I donate them in various ways (the...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to Anni's post in the thread Anni's poems.
    Spaced-out Dream As I watched within a dream I gazed in awe and wonder The indigo hue of approaching dawn, The sky and I seemed all...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to Anni's post in the thread Anni's poems.
    Thanks. It's a beautiful gift the Lord's given me & it's a pleasure to share. It bears fruit & I donate them in various ways (the...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to Anni's post in the thread Anni's poems.
    The Fall God created man sedated woman made an error in judgment God decreed the woman’s seed would crush the head of the serpent
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to Anni's post in the thread Anni's poems.
    God With Us Before this time began Before the making of man God had a plan For salvation. The Crux of the matter of atonement and...
  • Tall_Timbers
    Tall_Timbers reacted Like to Anni's post in the thread Anni's poems.
    A Shoulder to Lean On Lord, my friends are few and far between, But I have You and on Yourself I lean when times are tough the going...
  • Tall_Timbers
    Tall_Timbers reacted Like to Anni's post in the thread Anni's poems.
    Nebula (NGC 2818) Rainbow colour splash Whispers of astral cirrus Stretched across the vastness Gaseous fingers point within A cosmic...
  • Tall_Timbers
    Tall_Timbers reacted Like to Anni's post in the thread Anni's poems.
    Parousia lightning streaks across the skies from east to west the Son of Man arrives and all will see the risen Christ they’ll...
  • Tall_Timbers
    Tall_Timbers reacted Like to Anni's post in the thread Anni's poems.
    Spaced-out Dream As I watched within a dream I gazed in awe and wonder The indigo hue of approaching dawn, The sky and I seemed all...
  • Tall_Timbers
    Tall_Timbers reacted Like to Anni's post in the thread Anni's poems.
    Thanks. It's a beautiful gift the Lord's given me & it's a pleasure to share. It bears fruit & I donate them in various ways (the...
  • Tall_Timbers
    Tall_Timbers reacted Like to Anni's post in the thread Anni's poems.
    The Fall God created man sedated woman made an error in judgment God decreed the woman’s seed would crush the head of the serpent
  • Tall_Timbers
    Tall_Timbers reacted Like to Anni's post in the thread Anni's poems.
    God With Us Before this time began Before the making of man God had a plan For salvation. The Crux of the matter of atonement and...
  • ChrisTillinen
    Thanks for sharing your poem. I envisioned "sandy grain" as sand in a desert/sand in an hour-glass & running through his hands like...
  • ChrisTillinen
    Perhaps "Covenant Promises"? I think poetry's a bit like arranging music but with words!
  • GRACE_ambassador
    GRACE_ambassador reacted Friendly to Anni's post in the thread Hi all!.
    I pray so. May God bless you, too.
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Like to Anni's post in the thread UFOs are real!.
    Ken Ham has got to be my favourite Australian. Good on ya, sport!
  • Eli1
    Eli1 reacted Friendly to Anni's post in the thread Hi all!.
    I pray so. May God bless you, too.
  • notmyown
    notmyown reacted Like to Anni's post in the thread Anni's poems.
    The Fall God created man sedated woman made an error in judgment God decreed the woman’s seed would crush the head of the serpent