I was baptized when I was either 6 or 7 years old, somewhere between 1994-1995, after a woman at a park in Irvine, California, told me about Jesus.

At the age of 12, summer of 2000, I started going to a Bible study, hosted by an ex-heroine addict who recently lost her children to social services. The first day, I practiced memorizing verses and I drew a demon on a piece of paper.

Summer of 2001, we went camping, fishing, stayed at a log cabin and went to several churches, including the one I am still a member of. The name of the church was Zion Christian Center at the time, in Orange, California, with that the woman who hosted the Bible study.

When I was about 15 years old, 2003, both of my parents abandoned me and God gave me a Christian family to live with. They brought me to their church, Seekers Chapel, in Fullerton, California, which I attended for about a year or so, mostly on Wednesday nights for the youth program.

In winter 2004, I went to my first Christian retreat, up in a snowy mountain area, where I had outdoor education, as a 6th grade week field trip.

In fall 2005, I went to church with my first girlfriend, thanks to her older good role model sister who brought us, with her fiancé, who was a neighbor of mine. Sometime we go to her church.

Sometime in 2006, I go to my neighbors church. They are twins, who both went into the marines.

Sometime in 2007, a female party friend and I decide we should go to church. So her, her brother and I, go to her church.

From 2008-2010, I avoid God all together.

In August 2010, after 6 years of addiction and rebellion, God completely rocked my world, entered my mind and told me I had to read the entire Bible and then sent me to hell at a mental institution. I was rescued by my God family, who got me out of there and when I got to their house, they got me a Bible and taught me how to read it. (Matthew to Jude, then all Old Testament and finish with Revelation). I went to a church that next week, where the pastor asked if there was anyone in the pews who needed Jesus’ love and healing, and I immediately got up and walked to the front and felt a little better.

In Fall 2012, my fiancé and myself went to the church for the first time together, after we decided to take a plan B. We were invited by her coworker. At the church service, they displayed images of an aborted fetus, how it had finger nails and it was one of the first times God sharpened my conscience big time.

Later on that season, her and I went to a party. A so called friend at the time handed me spice to smoke. I smoked it and God opened my eyes to the spiritual realm, revealing that everyone at the party was demon possessed. I called out to Jesus, over and over again, and my God family came and talked me through it.

In Winter 2012, after my fiancé broke up with me, she continued to pursue me. After being completely crushed by her and her wanting to get back together, I asked her if she believes in Jesus. She said “no”. I walked out of her house and never talked to her in person again.

In 2013, I went to church in Fullerton, California, a bunch, with my God brother.

In Winter 2014, I got my first smartphone and got the Bible app.

In spring 2014, my God brother recommended that I go into my apartment room, drop to my knees, say the sinners prayer, let Jesus into my heart by accepting Him as Lord and Savior. My life radically changed. Stopped drinking alcohol, stopped doing drugs, stopped partying, stopped smoking tobacco, stopped sleeping around, all that same week. I told my girlfriend at the time that I am going to pursue a relationship with Jesus. I was completely sold. Started going back to that same church from 2001, which was Zion Christian Center, now called Bridge Community Church in Orange, California, under Pastor Danny Kurimay.

I moved to Long Beach, California in Fall of 2014.

For about 9 years after accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, I went from workplace to workplace, sharing my faith in some of the most spiritually dark places in Los Angeles & Orange Counties.

In 2015, I took an Uber to work and I commented on the guys Christian radio station. He lit up, got excited to find a brother in Christ. He invited me to his church, which was an all Filipino church, down the street from my house, called Blessed Hope. I went and became apart of the choir, attending for Sunday service and Bible study every Wednesday.

In 2017, I start listening to Bridge Community Church again but now on

In 2018, a coworker, who I found out is a Christian, invited me to his church and I invited him to Bridge Community Church, his church was in Watts, California and was an all black church, which I attended many times and went out to lunch with them, to a Chinese restaurant, that had the best orange chicken ever.

In 2019, a young woman from the Filipino church, invited me to a new young adults group that she was now attending called Embrace in Long Beach, California, which is in the community next to mine. I attended their Thursday night young adults church service, where it seemed like each member got up and spoke every week. I also attended their Sunday service, at another location.

In 2020, once Bridge Community Church started to recording live stream services, after March 16th, I began to watch their Sunday services and their Wednesday discipleship Bible studies. I continued this onto present day, 2025.

In March 2022, I took a week to focus on the Bible and read through the New Testament, from John to Revelation, in a week.

In Winter 2023, that ex heroin addict woman, turned saint, named Robin Bowers, passed away and I went to her celebration of life at Bridge Community Church. They had me stand in front of everyone, because I was in the first group of kids that she ministered to and I was the only one out of us kids, those first two years, to show up and celebrate her, in her well done good and faithful servant ceremony.

In Spring 2023, I was working at a very dead data center company throughout Los Angeles County. Because I had nothing but time to kill, I would write to do lists and read the Bible the whole time.

End of Spring to Summer and some of Fall 2023, while working for the mouse; I would get there about an hour early, pray for about a half hour, read the verse of the day in the Bible app, along with the devotional and written prayer. On my fifteen breaks, I would read Bible plans on the app and at lunch, I would read a few chapters.

In Fall of 2023, I start listening to, a minimum of three times a day; once in the morning, once at noon and once at 5pm, till present day 2025. I also get a Christian therapist the same month I start listening to, and I’ve had her ever since. She was available to see in person, in Long Beach, California but has since moved her office to Newport Beach, California. So, her and I have sessions weekly, over webcam. We have since processed a lot of past trauma.

Early 2024, I became an official member of Bridge Community Church, after being 1 of 12 people invited to become an official member that year. The other members didn’t judge me and were really excited to have an electronic music content creator on board.

In summer of 2024, I completed the entire Bible for the first time. I’ve read many books several several times, including the New Testament multiple times, so I guess this was the first time I completed the Old Testament. The Bible I prefer, is an English Standard Version Bible, just like my Pastor usually reads at Sunday service.

In October of 2024, I became somewhat of a regular on Christian Chat.

All of this wouldn't be possible without Jesus being inside me, the Holy Spirit guiding me and supernatural help from God.
Jan 1, 1988 (Age: 37)
Southern California
Marital Status
not married
Spiritual Status
Church Status
not attending church
When saved
Spring 2014
Country Flag/Nationality
Country (Location)
United States
California [USA]
Long Beach
Favorite Bible Verse
ESV Chronological Bible | Today's verses
Alive to See the Day (of Jesus' Return) is a Christian electronic music project, under The Narrow Gate Record Label in Southern California.




God/Jesus/HolySpirit + Nothing = Everything



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