Recent content by Bethlehem57

  1. Bethlehem57

    Looking for sites to download Comtemporary Christain Music 1970s

    I’ve been using Spotify - the free version. I happened to spot …uh oh….dead brain moment……oh yeah…George Beverly Shea’s versions of hymn. Pretty sure they’d have what you’re looking for.
  2. Bethlehem57

    Is Speaking in Tongues still available today?

    ********** First of all, I didn’t ascribe any of your comments to Satan. Secondly , what I did say that is that Satan is the author of confusion. I believe that I am saved by Jesus ‘ sacrifice on the cross, I’ve confessed this publicly and have been immersed in baptism. I really don’t need...
  3. Bethlehem57

    Is Speaking in Tongues still available today?

    I think that we have to remember that when this happened at Pentecost, there were so many present to hear what was coming from the Holy Spirit through the Apostles, and that it was an actual, understandable language. I’ve done so many Bible studies but can’t remember which one covered this...
  4. Bethlehem57


    I just tried to login and it’s still on a break.
  5. Bethlehem57


    Its nice to see a friendly face! I’m a RR and RF refugee as well!