Recent content by BIBLECOMPARER


    Youtube room and sermon room's strict safesearch mode blocking some videos on youtube

    I tried to bring up a youtube video I made but it won't open in the youtube or sermon room. It says No results (in strict safesearch mode). I am wanting to know how to bypass this since the videos I am making are just bible with pictures with it that are christian. They show up with youtube...

    Safe Search Restricted

    I tried to bring up a youtube video I made but it won't open in the youtube or sermon room. It says No results (in strict safesearch mode). I am wanting to know how to bypass this since the videos I am making are just bible with pictures with it that are christian. They show up with youtube...

    Who is stacky33083 dating?

    Ok so as you all know this riddle/mystery is unsolved for the most of us who are dying to be in the loop! Let the investigation begin!