Reactions received by BillG

  • S
    Sipsey reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    Night night all. Let's all remember and never forget it and always remind others who do not get it. God loves us as much as he loves...
  • Leastamongmany
    Leastamongmany reacted Agree to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    Not killed myself yet. Am I better. Yes because I'm still here. God did not kill me when I asked him and kept me from killing myself. I...
  • Leastamongmany
    Leastamongmany reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    For me the hope of salvation to people who consider suicide does not necessarily work. The hope of healing from those thoughts and the...
  • Leastamongmany
    Leastamongmany reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    That so made me laugh. Thank you.
  • Leastamongmany
    Leastamongmany reacted Friendly to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    I was gonna try and add a picture of my dogs but for some the link to do so is greyed out. Funny thing about dogs is that they love...
  • Leastamongmany
    Leastamongmany reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    What do you not get?
  • Leastamongmany
    Leastamongmany reacted Agree to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    I liked your post. Not because of what you have been through. I liked it because he has brought you through this. You have been...
  • Leastamongmany
    Leastamongmany reacted Agree to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    Night night all. Let's all remember and never forget it and always remind others who do not get it. God loves us as much as he loves...
  • Leastamongmany
    Leastamongmany reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    Because you said "Dont kill yourself, who will take care of your dog? Maybe my sense of humour (British sense of humour) got in the way...
  • reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    Not killed myself yet. Am I better. Yes because I'm still here. God did not kill me when I asked him and kept me from killing myself. I...
  • FollowHisSteps
    FollowHisSteps reacted Friendly to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    Not killed myself yet. Am I better. Yes because I'm still here. God did not kill me when I asked him and kept me from killing myself. I...
  • Leastamongmany
    Leastamongmany reacted Friendly to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    Wow that has really touched me. Eyes are welling up. Thank you for your kind words and positive input.
  • Leastamongmany
    Leastamongmany reacted Friendly to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    GAD Generalised Anxiety Disorder.
  • Leastamongmany
    Leastamongmany reacted Friendly to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    Mine is a daily constant. Not really panic attacks. One minute it's an undercurrent then the next it's like a million butterflies in my...
  • Leastamongmany
    Leastamongmany reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    I wouldn't say I was fragile as such, but more sensitive.
  • FollowHisSteps
    FollowHisSteps reacted Happy to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    Hi GSS Pleased to meet you. Yes it's not pleasant. I would that I have passed life is not worth living. In one of my previous posts...
  • Leastamongmany
    Leastamongmany reacted Winner to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    Hi GSS Pleased to meet you. Yes it's not pleasant. I would that I have passed life is not worth living. In one of my previous posts...
  • Mii
    Mii reacted Useful to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    Asked God to kill me many times. During 15 years of very little sleep. Worst time was between 2-4 in the morning. Driving into work I...
  • Mii
    Mii reacted Agree to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    Because you said "Dont kill yourself, who will take care of your dog? Maybe my sense of humour (British sense of humour) got in the way...
  • FollowHisSteps
    FollowHisSteps reacted Friendly to BillG's post in the thread Suicide:.
    We need to share our experiences. The fact is that the majority of the time it is common. If we do so then we break down barriers of...