Reactions received by BillG

  • reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    I would say no. I have invited many people to church. They have come to church. Some have left and some have stayed. They sing the...
  • reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    DC i don't get it, actually I have to say I do get it. I say that because I have lived a flip of the coin life. Heads your saved, tails...
  • reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    All have an invitation to feast but not all will accept it. The parable has nothing to do with OSAS/ES. No oil to start with = no...
  • reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Ben please read and digest what our brother TT has said and believes. I'm sure TT like many others agree that good works out of love...
  • reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    He did that with my gambling addiction. I had struggled with it for just over 30 years. The more I tried to stop the worse it got. The...
  • reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    I would say no. I have invited many people to church. They have come to church. Some have left and some have stayed. They sing the...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    DC i don't get it, actually I have to say I do get it. I say that because I have lived a flip of the coin life. Heads your saved, tails...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    He did that with my gambling addiction. I had struggled with it for just over 30 years. The more I tried to stop the worse it got. The...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Matthew 7:21 I Never Knew You (Luke 6:46; 13:26, 27) 21 “Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Yes that's what you speak. You don't know my standards so stop judging.
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    You make me laugh. You are the first to get upset when you feel people question you as to whether you are a true believer or not, or if...
  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    But what if they forget or do not confess one sin? Do you believe we have to confess in order to be forgiven? If we miss a few then we...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Are we talking 100% obedience here. As is never sinning at all, as keeping all the commandments Jesus gave whilst on earth? After all he...
  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    To be honest Ben the issue you are trying to press concerning the wedding feast is a rejection of OSAS/ES as those who accepted the...
  • reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    To be honest Ben the issue you are trying to press concerning the wedding feast is a rejection of OSAS/ES as those who accepted the...
  • longtrekker
    longtrekker reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    I'm sure TT will explain what he means. As I said in a previous post I believe everyone is invited to eat a the Lords table. Not...
  • longtrekker
    longtrekker reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    But what if they forget or do not confess one sin? Do you believe we have to confess in order to be forgiven? If we miss a few then we...
  • reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    In a sense Just like Peter did. Jesus said to Peter you will deny me. But we see the difference between the two.
  • TruthTalk
    TruthTalk reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    In a sense Just like Peter did. Jesus said to Peter you will deny me. But we see the difference between the two.
  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    AND FOR ALL YOU ANT-SEMETICS. What on earth is the point? I read Pauls letters, am I ANT-SEMETICS? Did the Jews keey the Tenak? Or do...