Reactions given by Blain

  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to MrE's post in the thread SPIRIT AND SOUL..
    The body falls The soul does stand Which was it first The Soul or man? If what we see, our spirit sees Does not it have autonomy? Of...
  • Blain
    One of the most beautiful things that scriptures have shown me in recent years is that... Holyness is Love, when it comes to God. Just...
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to Fillan's post in the thread Great End-Time Revival?.
    Hello Rod, perhaps this scripture ties in: For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit...
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to your post in the thread Revival @ Asbury?.
    If you look at OT revivals, it usually involved destroying pagan temples and idols and returning to true worship of God. It usually...
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to CS1's post in the thread Revival @ Asbury?.
    well, I am a pentacostel minister and I can ensure tongues is not the focus of revival. :) Asbury is not a pentacostel location yet...
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to your post in the thread Revival @ Asbury?.
    I am not surprised that this is happening, and i dont need kabalah to tell me. Im not into mysticism, or gnosticism, or talmudism or any...
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Revival @ Asbury?.
    These kinds of things I would have to be there to discern for sure, but overall I believe this about it: Philippians 1:15 It is true...
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to your post in the thread Revival @ Asbury?.
    Truth is your quenching the Holy Spirit.
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to ThereRoseaLamb's post in the thread Revival @ Asbury?.
    No, they didn't promote this, they did not ask people to come. It's a small town and all these people coming did not make things easier...
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to ThereRoseaLamb's post in the thread Revival @ Asbury?.
    A meeting isn't a revival. I've attended dozens of churches that say on the sign "revival tonight". They preach, they sing, we go home...
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to shittim's post in the thread Revival @ Asbury?.
    It always pleases the Father when His children draw themselves in what they believe is conformity with His will. This is an outpouring...
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to Aaron56's post in the thread Revival @ Asbury?.
    If the revival can be ended by people the Spirit must not have been leading it. One narrative I've heard from eye witnesses is that the...
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to ResidentAlien's post in the thread Revival @ Asbury?.
    I think teachers who have made people think they have to always be "on fire" have done them a great disservice. Yes, we should always...
  • Blain
    There is a lot the Bible admonishes us to Not Do on the Sabbath. My dilemma is what can we DO? I spend some time in prayer, some time...
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to Fundaamental's post in the thread The new generation.
    I've also seen sermons in a concert where all of a sudden a wirl wind appeared from no where when a pastor was asking all the crowd to...
  • Blain
    Let's suppose I am going on a trip. I make all the arrangements, set a date, and wait. But I also would like it to be a family...
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to your post in the thread The new generation.
    There is such a thing as a word of knowledge. Which may be given to a person to speak. This does not mean that person is a prophet...
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to your post in the thread The new generation.
    I think you misunderstood what I ment in pursuing a prophet office. It is not something we persue like GOD give me a prophets office. I...
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to ResidentAlien's post in the thread The new generation.
    No worries. Thanks for the apology.
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to montana123's post in the thread The new generation.
    The world is going to rebel against God because of the new age movement which they say Lucifer is a god, and an alien, and wants to help...