
My parents were Christian, (Lutheran Church Canada, related to Lutheran Church Missouri synod) and so when I was born, I was baptized. The first 58 years of my life I was like the Israelite's wandering around the desert. I didn't do any evangelizing even though as a child I had often prayed that I would be able to bring non-believers to Christ. All the time, going through school and the various jobs I found my peers did not listen to me and when ever I did start to talk, they would talk over me like I didn't exist. I had been working at NCP (North Central Plywoods) for 30 years (Half my life) from March 9th 1978 – May 26 2008 when the mill burnt down. That was a blessing for me. 1 ½ years later I moved to Saskatchewan with Bonnie (A 4 lb Chihuahua) and started driving tank truck in the oil patch. My work schedule allowed me to attend church every third Sunday, and then it was a one-hour drive to get to Church. On my days off I would take Bonnie (A 4 Lb. Long coat Chihuahua) and drive the two- and one-half hours to Regina and do evangelizing visiting patience and shut-ins in the hospital and at the Wascana rehab center. It was that little Chihuahua that I used to open doors so I could talk to people. My walk with God only got better after that. When Bonnie passed away, in my arms on October 1st 2017, I was lost. I knew I needed another little Chihuahua to continue doing what I was doing. Grace Bonnie was 3 months old when I got her on November 08 2017. As of August 2020 she is 2 years 10 months old and 2 ½ Lbs. I lost my job in Saskatchewan and moved back to Prince George BC. I got a job driving school bus and in my off time I would go to the hospital, here in Prince George and spend at least 2 hr a day visiting with patients. I believe one of the administration personal at the hospital, who talked to me, did not like me visiting with patients and had me band from the hospital for 2 years. I will be charged with "Criminal Trespass" if I go in the hospital, or step foot on hospital grounds. I would not walk into someone's room with out being invited. Since that time, I have had many people whose family member had died after a visitation and thank me for putting a smile on the faces of these people at a time when they were sorrowful. Since then I have been writing explanations to various Bible verses and sending one out on messenger on my phone every day to about 100 different people. Most of these people are strangers that I had met once.
Sep 29, 1951 (Age: 72)
Brian Fochler
Marital Status
not married
Spiritual Status
When saved
Born into a Christian Family
Country Flag/Nationality
Country (Location)
British Columbia [Canada]
Prince George
Favorite Bible Verse
John 3:16


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