Recent content by BriJane

  1. B

    Men attending church in the USA compared to the UK

    I am really surprised that I get the impression that more men attend churches in America than here in the UK...I find it mind blowing that men are saying on here that they cannot find a wife! Will anyone from the UK back up what I am saying, Christian men are in such a minority here! And...
  2. B

    Question about birds!

    I really enjoy having birds visit the garden and since we have had a few inches of snow, I've made sure there's food and water out there for them. So far I've seen some blackbirds, sparrows, bluetits and a robin. What kind of wildlife is around where you are right now? Hope you are all doing well.
  3. B

    Ever been wrongly accused?

    Have you ever been in a situation where everything was completely above board but it was assumed you were wrong doing? In my college days, living in a big shared house, it was assumed by the atheists I was living with that some kind of orgy was taking place. But I was actually hosting a prayer...
  4. B

    Please help me find this worship song!

    Hi there is a song I'm trying to find, I think it is called "Not by words and not by deeds /but by grace we have been saved" I know the lines ( sort of) : "Once I was dead, now I'm alive/ In Jesus I'm set free / in your great love, life I now find / You opened up my eyes." If I search "Not by...
  5. B

    Rob Bell

    Having listened to Rob Bell speak and reading a book of his a while ago, I was really saddened to hear about his warped line of thought in more recent my opinion he has really lost the plot. Just wondered what others think. Bless you all.
  6. B

    Do you feel like this?

    Hi, I really struggle with how I am treated by other church goers. So much so, I avoid going now. I am asked, as a conversation starter by people I don't know, things like "where is your husband?" and "why aren't you married?". Or I am asked if I have any children, and when I say no, I have...