Reactions given by Budman

  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to dcontroversal's post in the thread God LIED!.
    Does no good to debate one who is deceptive......nor one who denies what they have said and or one who twists the word as you do...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to dcontroversal's post in the thread God LIED!.
    False, false and need to read more.... 1. SOME will have works of God, silver and precious stones <--does not say they...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    They absolutely cannot grasp the factual truth that faith alone is what saves a man eternally and that God looks upon the heart of...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    Roman 8 1There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. 2For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to TruthTalk's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Amen decon, "Assurance of Salvation" is a proven doctrine of the Church; here are just a few verses in support of "Assurance of...
  • Budman
    I think disobedience brings chastisement. Then comes the loving, forgiving hand of the Father to draw us back in. There has never been a...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to Sketch's post in the thread God LIED!.
    This is so typical of the personal attacks that come against anyone who "dares" to stand on the complete work of the vicarious atonement...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Answer the question....YES or NO Can a son by birth ever not be a son by birth....YES or NO I have a son that was born my SON.....tell...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Try do not obey his commandments....and that is what you cannot get through your order for your commandment...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    I agree....guilt by know....I rarely give negative remarks in the form of checks and x's even if I do not...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to dcontroversal's post in the thread God LIED!.
    AMEN....regardless of how it is spun......any salvation that can be lost and or needs to be maintained by man through any effort on his...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    Well now this is interesting. A false dichotomy if I ever saw one. Interesting, in light of the fact that Paul speaks frequently of...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to VCO's post in the thread Not By Works.
    You see what OSAS actually TEACHES, is that ONCE we are SAVED, that new nature within us, will want to obey HIM, out of LOVE FOR HIM...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    No, actually we are justified by faith.... Therefore, we conclude, that a man is justified by faith without the deeds/works of the law...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to star's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Every saved soul IMHO will seek to live as closely to Christ as possible. They will also stray. That is why we have the HS; to remind...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    One thing I find interesting...especially with those that peddle a losable salvation, is the simple fact that many flat ignore the...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    AMEN....and most agree......saved by faith to is not faith plus works to gain, keep, embellish, top off or...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    No, what is sad is one who twists the word to say something it does not say........... Paul said it was by GRACE not the GIFT of...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    For the deceptive one saying I did not know faith was a gift from God Dec 23, 2013 #1 Ecclesiastes 3:14 I know that, WHATSOEVER God...
  • Budman
    Budman reacted Winner to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Here is another one for the LIAR that said I did not know faith was a gift from God Apr 9, 2015 #1 Below is the correct order and how...