Chaps's latest activity

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    Chaps reacted Disagree to Nehemiah6's post in the thread Ordination.
    Since I have also served in similar capacities without compensation or ordination, I would suggest that you follow the NT directives...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Revelation: A Cyclical View.
    I was being a bit sarcastic…but honestly, I am not really interested in responding to these kinds of comments. The moment someone says...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Revelation: A Cyclical View.
    Okay. I guess that settles it then.
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    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    I don’t think it is a poor choice of words. “Merely” if we are going to deal with semantics, in the modern vernacular is an adverb that...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Revelation: A Cyclical View.
    So you are suggesting Darby was not the first one to come up with Dispensationalism and the secret rapture of the church?
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    Chaps replied to the thread Revelation: A Cyclical View.
    I think you need to do more research on Darby’s Dispensational Premillennial view.
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    Chaps replied to the thread Revelation: A Cyclical View.
    I am not rejecting the idea that the Second Coming could happen at any moment and that this is what the early church believed. Darby’s...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Revelation: A Cyclical View.
    I think this is where the confusion is setting in. What Darby meant by “rapture” is very different from what Edwards meant. Edwards...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Revelation: A Cyclical View.
    Ok, allow me to clarify. The Church throughout history has believed in a literal, visible Second Coming of Jesus that would be seen by...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Revelation: A Cyclical View.
    Ok, well perhaps I misunderstood his position. I have been responding to a lot of people so it is hard to keep track of who believes...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    I disagree with this post. Nearly every time ”baptism” is mentioned in the NT it is referring to water. The times it is not referring...
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    Chaps reacted Disagree to studentoftheword's post in the thread Baptism.
    Be Baptised in the Holy Spirit ----first---------- then -----be dunked in a pool to profess your Faith in Christ ---...
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    Chaps reacted Like to Slimsumo's post in the thread Baptism.
    Get immersed in water. There is no debate that this was the first method of baptizing in the early church and this method is also...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Revelation: A Cyclical View.
    Look, you can post til your blue in the face, but the fact of the matter is NO reader of the Bible ever had the notion that Jesus would...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Revelation: A Cyclical View.
    I appreciate the post. I did read the post previously but didn’t notice the additional link at the bottom that mentioned the Morgan...