Chaps's latest activity

  • C
    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    I understand what you are saying, but I do not understand the distinction. If God’s quickening necessitates they will believe then I...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    This is not accurate. I know Koine Greek and studied it for several years. The word in question is the Greek word eis. It has three...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    Where do you read that baptism is the “first step toward obedience”? I have several issues with this argument… 1. We don’t read...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    I don’t think anyone is arguing this point. The simple fact is that Jesus commanded disciples be baptized. We also see that God has...
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    Chaps reacted Disagree to obertarti's post in the thread Baptism.
    It is mist Exactly Accept that R6 and C2 -Not about water but about Spirit One baptism in the water of life Forget water baptism...
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    Chaps reacted Like to Thunderrr-mental's post in the thread Baptism.
    yes you shouldn't be mocking water baptism or the lords commandments
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    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    Yes, we will likely just have to agree to disagree. However, if you claim faith is a “gift” from God, then certainly, you would have to...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    I understand. However, I think the notion that God must save people so they may believe to be the inverse of what Scripture teaches...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    Thanks for your response. That is a good question and example of Israel. However, I believe the OT and NT teaches that God desired the...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    I think you are omitting the context of the verse you are quoting. Paul‘s point is “how beautiful are the feet of those who share Good...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    Youre going to have to explain this concept more to me, because as it stands, I dont understand it. So, as I understand it, (correct me...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    The words I have in bold you are referring to. The words literally say, “not from (out of) works/deeds.“. The word ergon is the Greek...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    Cameron, thank you for your reply. I also agree that we are entirely corrupted by sin. I believe all humans are bound to sin, dead in...
  • C
    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    I disagree that faith is a gift, in the sense that God grants us faith to be saved. Eph 2:8 does not teach this. In the Greek, the...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    Hey Cameron, As promised, I wanted to respond to your question about a person being “dead” in their trespasses and sins and how they...