Reactions given by Chester

  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to Rosemaryx's post in the thread By Works.
    I believe repentance is part of our sanctification... Repentance is very important in our walk with our LORD ...It is not the repentance...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to Blue_Of_Lake's post in the thread By Works.
    "REPENT, for the Kingdom of Heaven is At Hand" 3This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah: “A voice of one calling in...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to Jackson123's post in the thread By Works.
    Thank for the respon, my brother, Jesus not only say love your brother, but love your enemy Matthew 5:44 “But I say unto you, Love your...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to Jackson123's post in the thread By Works.
    I do agree that if believer commit sin, he fell regret. And Holy Spirit tell him to repent, but I do believe if he ignore and keep...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to Jackson123's post in the thread By Works.
    Seem to me you not agree with Jesus John 15:6 King James Version 6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to Jackson123's post in the thread By Works.
    My brother we are not God and can not change the word. The word say if you bear fruit pruned Not bear fruit take away 2 Every branch...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to Just_Jo's post in the thread By Works.
    I agree,I instructed my children and any in my care how much Jesus loved us. It is our nature to share His great love with those we...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to Jackson123's post in the thread By Works.
    Wich one, you believe verse 6 mean work salvation? 6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men...
  • Chester
    Let us be bold in the word of God. Let us be that light to shine. Let us have the heart of the father. Come Lord Jesus come.
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to your post in the thread By Works.
    Not sure why you would think this. Lol. I read it a few times. It still say I have no power,God has to attach (save) me. Lol but sorry...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to Micaiah-imla's post in the thread By Works.
    This is insanity. All translations render John 15:2 “taken away/cut off” in reference to the unfruitful branches. Who do you think you...
  • Chester
    You are correct, but the way you put it just stirs a hornet's nest. Why not explain to us why in matters of GRACE, we are all equal, but...
  • Chester
    This site reviews all new threads for numerous reasons including not posting your threads advertising your website where you are...
  • Chester
    Yeah, you can learn as much on forums as you can on YouTube. That's why I never refer new converts to either. :cry:
  • Chester
    right. sometimes the armor gets pretty dinged up in some places sometimes, folks will snap their suspenders and say 'oh I don't go to...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to throughfaith's post in the thread Predestination..
    I think its best to avoid the Philosophy of it . The bible clearly shows we can freely respond positively to God . We are commanded to...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to Rosemaryx's post in the thread By Works.
    No...I Do not believe they can behave this way and not repent... Repentance is a gift from God , a true believer grows with the Holy...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to AndyMaleh's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Wait! Didn't you do work to post this thread about "Not by works"? Had you not posted this, would someone who's never heard of "Not by...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    yes, another trying ( and failing ) to try to make Paul contradict Jesus. i mean, here was a man who hated Jesus followers, was on the...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to your post in the thread By Works.
    Please God no, not another one who deny’s grace in the OT and later, thinking the church age is so special they do not have to EARN...