Recent content by ChristnMenow

  1. ChristnMenow

    Embracing the Wilderness.

    For the unsaved, it's just life and their mantra tends to be; “live today and get as much as you can from it”. For the Christian, it ought to be the journey and not the destination that we live out and by how much we can give for God's Kingdom purposes. It is a life that ought to be about...
  2. ChristnMenow

    The Practical Christian Series. Humility.

    And before some quote the Sermon on the Mount when Jesus said, ‘Blessed are the meek” which most scholars agree is not accurate but should be; “Blessed are the (gentle)”; presenting a complete different picture to be Blessed.
  3. ChristnMenow

    Rated R !

    If God is perfect then His images are! When has God told us we are unworthy of Him and that we should grovel at His feet for fear of His wrath so that He receives sadistic pleasure from our inflictions? Yet, many who have accepted Christ are still in subjugation to their self-held beliefs that...
  4. ChristnMenow

    The Practical Christian Series. - Politics. The business of governance is the business of Righteousness regardless of our personal agenda or affiliations; because when men decide their politics based on biases; we invariable lead ourselves down a dark path of more disobedience to...
  5. ChristnMenow

    What is Church ?

    What is the weakness of the flesh? Everything that is promoted by the world! I have seen a Christian’s car license plate that says “O; Wake up”
  6. ChristnMenow

    The Practical Christian - Love.

    Now unconditional Love is not weak and it is not worldly. It is Righteous! To understand this we have to rightly divide the Word. The best examples of this are when Jesus is around different groups of people. This is because Jesus who being perfect is the ultimate representation of God as...
  7. ChristnMenow

    Our Father ! And just to be clear...

    Our Father ! And just to be clear; having a Dad who isn’t fathering; is just as bad or worst than not having one. The foundation of fatherhood cannot be understated and is why more than prostrating to a seemingly distant God; we cry; “Abba...
  8. ChristnMenow

    The Practical Christian Series. - How not to sin.

    How not to sin is the question and everyone who professes Jesus as Lord and Savior must endeavor to be sinless for God’s Glory to be effective and for the Body of Christ to attain new heights of Revelation. Yet, being near to God and Jesus in person does not prevent sin from entering into...
  9. ChristnMenow

    Deconstructing the church.

    As this age comes to an end; we should not be surprised that many who are seeking and longing for an authentic church and Body leave the church they grew up in and find a home that depicts very few attributes of these denominational churches. Often meeting in unlikely places like a...
  10. ChristnMenow

    The Practical Christian Series. Communication.

    Jesus was not an orator but a man filled with the Holy Spirit to demonstrate God’s Passion, Love, and Righteousness. It is often manifested when by the Spirit there is Righteous indignation that wells up inside of the body. Godly communication is not only for a harmonious relationship...
  11. ChristnMenow

    Belief vs Faith.

    Yet, for all His Faith; He could not make those around Him walk more in Faith instead of belief. This is because Faith is a personal journey and one that will determine what we accept as our reality or the facade of it. As Christian’s; we ought to live with expectations of miracles...
  12. ChristnMenow

    The Practical Christian Series - Feelings.

    But how are these fruit determined by the Body in a world that abuses them towards their opposites including hate, depression, strife, bad temper, mean, rudeness, disbelief, harshness, and anarchy?
  13. ChristnMenow

    Knowing the Word. Knowing the Word is for our benefit and reaches its full potential only when we receive it as God intended; not as we desire it. Quoting scriptures as stated, “is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for...
  14. ChristnMenow

    Letter to the Faithful - Be not timid ! For where is timidity but in the ignorance of the Word and of the Glory that is promised through us who having been given Christ; is now the Hope of Glory to this dying world.
  15. ChristnMenow

    Letter to the Faithful - Rejoice Today. But be encouraged that with every loss of righteousness in the world, God’s Faithfulness grows stronger soon to be revealed by His mighty hand upon all saved by and in the blood of Jesus. We can’t fail for our life is hidden in...