Reactions given by cv5

  • cv5
    cv5 reacted Happy to Sans's post on cv5's profile.
    Thank you for the link to the 7 early translations... that is great stuff.
  • cv5
    cv5 reacted Happy to Absolutely's post on cv5's profile.
    thank you for all you do!!!!!!!!
  • cv5
    cv5 reacted Happy to Solemateleft's post on cv5's profile.
    Thanks for all of your efforts! You have a made a difference for so many... You've helped open so many eyes and gave many of us the...
  • cv5
    cv5 reacted Happy to your post on cv5's profile.
    I like your username bro. CV5 = 5 Christian Values 1. Grace 2. Honesty 3. Faith 4. Courage 5. Love As Christians, we must adhere to...