Recent content by Danielswtt

  1. Danielswtt

    Judgemental Christians

    Hey shine your light, we need to stay strong in Jesus name and shine our light to all the people to let them know their is hope in Jesus Christ!
  2. Danielswtt

    Judgemental Christians

  3. Danielswtt

    Judgemental Christians

    Hey everyone how’s it going?
  4. Danielswtt

    Hey Butterfly my name is Daniel. I am new on this site and I like to meet new Christians. I love...

    Hey Butterfly my name is Daniel. I am new on this site and I like to meet new Christians. I love writing Christian poems. How are you?
  5. Danielswtt

    Daniel Sweatt

    Yeah Cali is nice. I like cats because they are less destructive like dogs. But this kitten I have here just loves to play a lot like crazy when I just want to rest lol.
  6. Danielswtt

    Daniel Sweatt

    Yeah he is a good preacher, he usually preach on the streets but he has a church.
  7. Danielswtt

    Daniel Sweatt

    My kitten is a rescue kitten too and I adopted him.
  8. Danielswtt

    Daniel Sweatt

    That’s awesome, I know I use to have a Siamese cat and it was shy and it only stayed in my room. I love when cars are nice and peaceful and does not scratch that much everything. I have a main coon mixed with domesticated kitten named Chester and he is very affectionate and loving but he likes...
  9. Danielswtt

    Daniel Sweatt

    Nice Kitty, it looks like a Siamese cat?
  10. Danielswtt

    Daniel Sweatt

    That’s cool and it’s really nice to fellowship with christian’s on here. I love peaceful and loving people. I especially love when people can share their same interest. I socialize with my parents too and I just came back from Los Angeles to visit them and I had a good time with them going to...
  11. Danielswtt

    Hey sherry my name is Daniel, I am new on here. How are you?

    Hey sherry my name is Daniel, I am new on here. How are you?
  12. Danielswtt

    Hey Ran it’s nice to meet you. How are you doing today? I am also new on here.

    Hey Ran it’s nice to meet you. How are you doing today? I am also new on here.
  13. Danielswtt

    Daniel Sweatt

    Hey how are you? Tell me about yourself? I would like to get to know you more better too. God Bless you!
  14. Danielswtt

    Thank you and God Bless you!

    Thank you and God Bless you!