Recent content by dave44

  1. D

    Consistency help with God.

    Youll be lucky in uk to get any spiritual counsellors laying on hands as this is often only found in the uk from false churches on tv who make money. People are too timid and embarrasssed to do the "work".
  2. D

    Gaming / Boredom / Alternatives?

    I get your point and you put a lot of effort into this. Maybe you are young, but as you become older, most people simply throw all these things in the trash thinking they should have done something else with their time. Not always, but mostly. This is why monks do not have social-media accounts...
  3. D

    Consistency help with God.

    I get your point, but in order to pray, you need something you want to pray for. I dont want to be here anymore for nothing as an odd-one-out isolated loser who was never any good at living anyway. There is nothing to pray for on earth except others salvation, health and money, and...
  4. D


    Not great, if I was not a christian i would be unalived. There is nothing left and no prayer does anything significant. It's all meaningless. Some have, some do not. I never was good at living.
  5. D

    can you guys post something funny please?

    And immediatley after this post it was posted, hahaha.
  6. D

    can you guys post something funny please?

    my life is funny, i posted a thread twice and it was removed with no reason immediatly for asking for alternatives to gaming that were not lame as God seemed to block it for me. not very christian in help for a christian site ha ha ha.
  7. D

    Gaming / Boredom / Alternatives?

    I am a person who does not do well with boredom as I merely remember and mull over the depressing failures of my life or what others have done to ruin my life either by intention or ignorance or accident etc. I like many used to game a lot and that is the only place I had any what seemed like...
  8. D


    Dude your telling me gaming is ok when it is obviously not. Even the thought of foolishness is sin. Vanity is sin. Colouring your weapons and skins on COD is vanity, even if the people are not real, killing for fake fun is not what we are told to look to = whatever is lovely, whatever is holy...
  9. D


    No because the devil would obviously want me to game and ignore everything else and stay on sugar and not do good etc. The opposite of God's will in the bible etc.
  10. D


    Whenever I do anything I would like to do I am bullied into not doing it. If I go to buy a game or even download a game to play the song in the listing of the game advert said "includes the sound track 'road to gahenna'". In the charity shop the other driving game was next to a game called...
  11. D

    Mental focus and diabetes/liver?

    Sorry, think i am simply too depressed and without a direction or will, so have no drive for anything as there is no direction. How could I with no Idea of what I am doing or going to do or even supposed to do. It seems pointless to ask or mention when I think the whole world is in the same boat...
  12. D


    No longer working anymore. Let go because of low production orders without notice (agency). Nevermind. I hate my life. And only an unknown dream of something when i die is left. Not much to evangelise with is it. Oh, they dont go to hell. What do the loser christians survive on?
  13. D

    Mental focus and diabetes/liver?

    I have tried a few things but suffer from a lack of focus, easily thinking about other things, and not doing what I want to do especially due to a lack of motivation also. I also suffer from a bit diabetes as a skinny person and a bit of liver issues. I can only think to do a very long term keto...
  14. D


    Is it possible to delete this thread, it is not really productive for anyone?
  15. D


    Its nice it worked out for you. I get your point. But in regards to the human mind, I have already tried journalling, self-help books, task setting, daily card lists, and computer modelling, basic web-design/basic programming, game design, electical/electronic engineering, motor vehicle, medical...