Reactions given by davg

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    Creamy Avocado Soup :giggle: 2 Avocados, peeled and pitted 2 1/2 tablespoons Miso, brown or white 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon...
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    davg reacted Like to Rosemaryx's post in the thread My daily juices.
    No sugar , remember , white sugar is poison to our bodies... Watermelon is fine on its own , if you need to sweet it up , add a small...
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    davg reacted Like to Platosgal's post in the thread Bread.
    An alternative to wheat flour bread Is flax meal bread Made one slice at a time In the microwave! 3 tbl spoons freshly ground flax 1 t...
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    davg reacted Like to dave_in_KWC's post in the thread yoga.
    Yes, and I take your points further and say that like other false religions (and their unGodly practices: yoga for example) that...