Reactions given by DawnDe

  • DawnDe
    DawnDe reacted Friendly to JaumeJ's post in the thread Hebrews 6:4-8.
    My first thought and belief on your situation is the Prodigal Son.. Reread the account for yourself, and you should find peace in...
  • DawnDe
    DawnDe reacted Friendly to Deuteronomy's post in the thread Hebrews 6:4-8.
    Hello DawnDe, first off, welcome to CChat! I'm glad that you found us and joined in the discussions with us :) Second, no worries, as...
  • DawnDe
    DawnDe reacted Friendly to PennEd's post in the thread Hebrews 6.
    Do you believe Jesus is God in the flesh, sent to pay our sin debt, died, was buried, and rose to life on the 3rd day? If yes to those...