Reactions given by Dennie

  • D
    Dennie reacted Like to shittim's post in the thread Insomnia?.
    melatonin? When lying down to sleep close your eyes and then roll up your eyeballs as though you are looking up, stay like that and the...
  • D
    Dennie reacted Like to JaumeJ's post in the thread Insomnia?.
    If you find yourself indulging in sweets, try cuttings out sugar , and keep caffeine beverages to the early hours of your awake time.
  • D
    Dennie reacted Like to HealthAndHappiness's post in the thread Insomnia?.
    There are a number of things that can help. The first place to start is by trying to figure out why you can't sleep. Do you have any clues?
  • D
    Dennie reacted Like to Tall_Timbers's post in the thread Hi! I´m Dennie..
    Welcome, Dennie. Jesus is there with you waiting for you to invite Him in to be your Lord and Savior. He's given you free will to make...
  • D
    Dennie reacted Like to BillyBob's post in the thread Hi! I´m Dennie..
    Hello Dennie! Don't be shy and don't hesitate to jump into all topics that may interest you! By the way, do not apologize for you...
  • D
    Dennie reacted Like to j55's post in the thread Hi! I´m Dennie..
    Welcome. Be alert for few false brethren. Some good Christian's here.
  • D
    Dennie reacted Like to Gideon300's post in the thread Hi! I´m Dennie..
    Your English is better than some who are native English speakers. Welcome, by the way.
  • D
    Dennie reacted Like to PAC-fit's post in the thread Hi! I´m Dennie..
    Good to have you, welcome to the forums!
  • D
    Dennie reacted Like to HealthAndHappiness's post in the thread Insomnia?.
    A Good night's sleep is so important for restoration, healing, productivity and mental health. It's good that you are taking interest in...