Recent content by DevinForChrist

  1. DevinForChrist

    School Bathroom Vaping

    I have had similar experiences. Normally when I saw someone vaping in the school bathrooms, I would walk right back out and find another bathroom to use or wait until later. I never told on them because I knew that eventually they would get caught, and they did. Sometimes it feels good to tell...
  2. DevinForChrist

    Is it a sin to use profanity ?

    It is in my honest opinion that when you are truly saved, your entire lifestyle changes. I hear people a lot of the time say that curse words are in the Bible. However, you have to factor in the meaning. Back when the books of the Bible were written, those words had different meanings than what...
  3. DevinForChrist


    Hello everyone, My name is Devin, I just turned 21 years old on February 10th. I am a faithful Pentecostal Christian, who doesn’t believe in focusing on tradition, but rather I like to use the term, “Take all the world and just give me Jesus.” Does this make me perfect? No, absolutely not. I’ve...