Reactions received by dlj57

  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Jesus only did good works on the Sabbath. there is not one verse where Jesus labored on Sabbath or entered a synagogue on a Sunday to...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Sorry, I liked your post, was meant for the person that replied to your post. Stay strong in the faith and always seek the truth. Danny
  • vassal
    vassal reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Hebrews is talking about making a new covenant yes because the old covenant (Moses's Laws. the old Mosaic Laws) was done away with...
  • vassal
    vassal reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    You stated," The requirements of Sabbath observance have been transferred to the first day of the week (the Christian Sabbath)." Show me...
  • vassal
    vassal reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    "So, when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath..." (Acts...
  • vassal
    vassal reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    "So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath..." (Acts...
  • vassal
    vassal reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Give me scripture, Book, Chapter and verse. I have backed up everything I have stated with scripture. Rest means Sabbath keeping, that...
  • vassal
    vassal reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    "He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his Commandments, is a liar and the truth is not in him" (1 John 2:4) This is referring to...
  • vassal
    vassal reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    "Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentles..." (Rom 3:29) "Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and...
  • A
    Anton reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    The Ten Commandments have been with God from Creation and will be with us on the New Earth "... and from one Sabbath to another, shall...
  • Figgs
    Figgs reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    The Ten Commandments have been with God from Creation and will be with us on the New Earth "... and from one Sabbath to another, shall...
  • S
    Shilohsfoal reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread Sabbath.
    The true Sabbath The Ten Commandments have been with God from Creation and will be with us on the New Earth "... and from one Sabbath...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread Sabbath.
    The true Sabbath The Ten Commandments have been with God from Creation and will be with us on the New Earth "... and from one Sabbath...