Recent content by DuntyMolly

  1. DuntyMolly


    Hello everyone-- Just asking for thanksgiving to be held up- Specifically since my oldest 22 is coming from California to Chicago where I am so he can be here for thanksgiving and see his brother, Samuel.. 14. I did ask for prayer the other day- I had bad vertigo and I could hardly see. I saw...
  2. DuntyMolly


    Shaking and vertigo in my body, double vision, hard to think, scared what this is.. please pray for wisdom for doctors and for a solution and outcome.. Also I have no car, getting around has been so difficult- bus or uber its hard to pay for and to stand out in the cold here in Chicago. Also...
  3. DuntyMolly


    I'm in my new apartment which God is paying for.. and am in the middle of an SSI case in which I am not allowed to work at all. I've basically been poor for years now waiting for this case. I would like to lift up all my debts and financial issues to God-- I also have court cases and lots of...
  4. DuntyMolly

    Mercy & Provision

    Good morning brothers and sisters, In about 3.5 hours I am going to court and I am asking for favor, mercy, peace and for Jehova Gabor to rise up for my safety and help.. I also and having lots of tinging in my body, which I am asking for God's help- favor with doctors, and wisdom to help my...
  5. DuntyMolly

    In Need Of Prayer

    I'm at a crossroads of either giving up or pushing in and through- I need car insurance and money for my phone- I am also waiting on permanent disabled housing to open up as well as my social security case to be won... I'm really struggling brothers and sisters and am asking for help- Thank...
  6. DuntyMolly


    My son is 13 and loves theater. I am asking God for provision so that I can take him to see Hamlet before I go into surgery on my neck. I also need provision for my phone bill, gas, oil, and storage unit. Thank you!
  7. DuntyMolly

    Provision and Surgery!

    I am in need of provision for my phone bill, storage unit, and for my SSI case. I am going in for surgery after March 30th on my c5,c6 disc in my neck- They are putting in an artificial disc and I'm really scared. I need help from SSI so I can get my own dwelling where it is affordable, clean...
  8. DuntyMolly


    Hello everyone and thank you so much for taking the time to read this and pray--- I have several things that I need to pay for- like my phone bill, oil for my car, gas for my car, a fee to the courthouse, insurance on my car, and my storage unit. I am in a domestic violence shelter currently...
  9. DuntyMolly


    Please pray with me? I'm so weary right now- although I am in a safe place, I feel very exhausted from everything - drained. I feel broken and unloved. My spirit is heavy- I need help from God to keep going. :(
  10. DuntyMolly

    Prayer Please!~

    I have court tomorrow because my ex husband made false allegations about me to the police while I was having a visit with my son. It's always his attempts at trying to alter the schedule. I would like to ask that the Lord move through the judge, that I have favor, and that the best outcome for...
  11. DuntyMolly

    Provision and lonliness

    Thank you guys so much for praying for me. I am so thankful to be where I am, and yet while I am in the decision process for my hopeful social security case to come through, I needed help with car insurance, phone, storage unit and gas money to get back and forth to doctor appointments and to...
  12. DuntyMolly

    Prayer Please

    Hey brothers and sister, I just wanted to thank everyone for praying for me. I am now in an amazing place where they help women like me overcome domestic violence abuse and many other forms of abuse. I would like to ask that everyone please continue to pray for me because I need a lot of...
  13. DuntyMolly


    I wanted to update everyone who prayed for me... I found a place to stay which houses women who are victims of domestic violence.. I am finally in a place where the Lord is providing true healing for me, not just from recent abuse, but abuse since I was a child. I do not have a computer with...
  14. DuntyMolly


    I am asking for prayer for housing please. I went through the same thing last year around this time and I am trying to hold up the best I can. I need a safe place to be so I can have my son back in my life more than he is. I know God knows my need- I am feeling so afraid and like giving up...
  15. DuntyMolly

    Need a place to live

    I need prayer for favor and provision from the Lord for a new place to live... i need wisdom and help. Thank you amd God bless. ❤