Newly finding my faith in Jesus. Well, not so new but more trying to solidify my life in his ways. I've had strong morals since I was younger but never had much faith in any type of religion. I've had a great Aunt and Uncle that did an amazing job trying to help me get where I am now, I just simply didn't see it then. I'm currently 30 and realizing everything they tried teaching. Ive learned through my own ways that it's not religion or some fairytale, Jesus is actual history. After doing minimal research to see just the tangible proof, such as the balls of sulfur at Sodom/Gommorah or the burned mountains of Mt Sinai, I sought Him spiritually. Well, I've found Him. Nothing can describe how I've felt just praying and opening up. How quickly some prayers were answered or the lessons taught when they aren't. I came here seeking friends. I live in Wisconsin but I do not have a church home, nor does anyone around me or even immediate family I speak with, follow His ways. I'm struggling to learn, struggling to understand, and even with praying I feel so lost with all of it. I came seeking guidance and someone who may be patient enough to help me walk in His steps. I want to truly be good, and I am unable to do so while fighting everything on my own. I did not think it would be so difficult doing this on my own, as my morals have been great since a young age. The problem is that it's not just morals here, it's completely reshaping how I think, how I handle situations, how I view people... I think I've cried more in the past several weeks than I have my entire life. I'm doing good I feel, in the grand scheme of things, but I know I can do soo much better if I could be around more people like me or simply make a new friend on the same path as me. I genuinely look forward to anyone that wants/is able to reach out or even maybe chat sometime if you live close! I'm completely serious about all of this. I do believe Jesus died on that cross for our sins, but I'm sure we all know that it is more than just believing in Jesus that counts and it seems many have forgotten that... it's not enough to believe in Jesus, even satan believes in Jesus, it's the works and your heart that really define who you're really trying to be.